Iñigo Carrera, J. (2007c). Scientific method: logical representation vis à vis dialectical reproduction (i.e., the consciousness dominated by alienation for believing itself an abstractly free one vis à vis the consciousness that advances in its freedom by being aware of its alienation). Presentado en el Congrès Marx International V, Université de Paris-X Nanterre.


Even Marxists conceive logical representation as the natural form of scientific method. According to it, the interpretation of reality constitutes the absolute limit of objective knowledge. Freedom thus seems to consist in free interpretation. Nevertheless freedom is not a natural determination but a social relation inherent in the capitalist mode of production. Within this determination, free consciousness is the form taken by the consciousness alienated in capital. Opposed to logical representation, from Marx on, dialectical cognition becomes the form of consciousness of the working class able to incarnate the revolutionary powers with which capital determines the latter. It does so for being the form of alienated consciousness that is aware of its own alienation and rules it towards its supersession.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Dialectics; Logic; Method; Science


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