The social specificity of commodities, their value-form, has its simplest determination in that the abstract labour materialised in them is represented as their capacity to relate among themselves in exchange, thus socially relating their producers. This fetishist social relation necessarily develops into a material production that has the valorization of value as its immediate object. As this valorization process reproduces itself, capital becomes the concrete subject of social production. Commodities are now the product of human labour alienated as a capital’s potency, capital commodities. As capital has no other qualitative necessity in itself than the purely quantitative of its self-valorization, capital commodities can no longer be exchanged as the equivalent materialisations of equal amounts of abstract labour. Nevertheless, to be exchanged, they must still embody an immediate common substance; only that it has developed. Capital commodities relate in exchange as the equivalent materialisations of equally valorized substantive values. This development of simple commodities into capital commodities takes concrete shape in the transformation of values into prices of production. Now, although values and surplus-value remain quantitatively untouched, they only manifest themselves as quantities of their newly developed concrete forms, where their simplest determination cannot be quantitatively traced once it transcends its primarily transformation.
KEYWORDS: Marx; Capital; Price of production; Values