Levín, S. (2024). Crisis económica. ¿Es solo el COVID 19? ¿Es la guerra? Ciclos de Kondratiev. Apeirón, 20, 165-190.

ABSTRACT This paper starts by asking the question: is the magnitude of the current economic crisis due to COVID-19 and later by the war alone, or did the pandemic compound an underlying crisis? We use Kontratieff cycles (K-cycles) to study quarantine-related economic losses in context. Capital accumulation is global in its essence, but takes the … Read more

Lewinger, A. (2012). Guerra cambiaria: ¿falla de coordinación o forma concreta de una crisis de sobreproducción general capitalista? (en colaboración con Straffela, M. & Iannuzzi, P.) [Currency war: coordination failure or concrete form of a capitalist general overproduction crisis?] [in collaboration with Straffela, M. & Ianuzzi, P.]. Razón y Revolución, (23), 7-27.

ABSTRACT After the outbreak of the 2008 crisis, several international summits addressed the global imbalances issue, without the arisen of an effective solution. This result is due to the way in which capital has been accumulating worldwide in the recent decades, with a growing gap between the level of production and the consumption capacity. This … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2016b). From the financial crisis to the next eleven: limits and contradictions in the Korean process of capital accumulation. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 21(1), 1–25.

ABSTRACT This paper examines the South Korean economic crisis of 1997-1998 and the subsequent recovery. For this, it first analyses the specific characteristics and longterm development of the process capital accumulation there. The paper claims that, as in the rest of East Asia, capital accumulation in Korea has, since the mid-1960s, revolved around the production … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2006b). La superproducción general en la acumulación actual y la cuestión de la acción de la clase obrera como sujeto revolucionario. Razón y Revolución, (15), 193-208.

ABSTRACT El artículo parte de analizar las dos principales determinaciones que le dan a la acumulación de capital su forma cíclica más general: los movimientos de la tasa general de ganancia según la evolución relativa de la productividad del trabajo y la composición orgánica del capital con el desarrollo de la producción de plusvalía relativa, … Read more