Rivas Castro, G., & Casique Herrera, M. C. (2021). Marini y la economía política marxista de la dependencia. Una aproximación crítica a partir de su análisis del proceso chileno [Marini and the Marxist political economy of dependency. A critical approach from his analysis of the Chilean process]. Revista Izquierdas, 50, 1-26.

ABSTRACT: In lights of the resurgence in South America of the Marxist version of dependency theory, especially of the theoretical developments by Ruy Mauro Marini and considering the criticisms that followed its reappearance, this present paper hopes to make a contribution in this last sense, to emphasize the limitations of Marxist Dependency Theory when presenting … Read more

Rivas Castro, G., & Seiffer, T. (2021). Sobre el origen y desarrollo de la consciencia política del movimiento estudiantil universitario chileno. De su consciencia anarquista a su antiliberalismo. 1906-2012. [On the origin and development of the political consciousness of Chilean college students movement. From its anarchist consciousness to its antineoliberalism. 1906-2012]. Anuari del Conflicte Social, 12, 1-57

ABSTRACT: The Chilean student movement imposed itself as an important political actor. In 2011, it was a lead character in the most massive and sustained political strike since the end of the dictatorship, which repercussions continues until this date. In this paper, we will seek to explain the social necessity for the political action of … Read more