Caligaris, G. (2021). Una reconstrucción del debate marxista sobre la fuente del plusvalor extra que apropian los capitales innovadores [A reconstruction of the Marxist debate on the source of extra surplus value appropriated by innovative capitals]. Ensayos de Economía, 31(59), 165-185.

ABSTRACT: In this article the Marxist debate on the nature and source of the extra surplus value appropriated by capitals that introduce a technological innovation is reconstructed and presented. Until now, this controversy has always been treated as subsidiary to other debates. However, its reoccurrence and the evolution of the arguments – especially in the … Read more

Iñigo, L. (2021). Las transformaciones de la escolaridad como formas concretas del movimiento de la materialidad de la producción de la vida social. Automatización de los procesos de trabajo y generalización de la lectura [The transformation of schooling as concrete form of the movement of the materiality of social life production]. Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad, 18(18), 1-31.

ABSTRACT: The article puts forward a set of arguments as grounds to approach two global tendencies that have been described by the ‘world society’ theory: the expansion of secondary education starting the second half of the 20th century, and the standardization of its curriculum with a preeminence of reading comprehension and, more generally, the ability … Read more

Steimberg, R. (2021). El debate sobre la derivación: Estado y formas jurídicas [State derivation debate: the State and legal forms]. Las Torres de Lucca: revista internacional de filosofía política, 10(19), 117-128.

ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the link between State, capital and legal forms. In the first place, it recovers one of the aspects of the Marxist theory of the State, which is addressed in the derivation debate. Secondly, and based on this theory, we move on into Pashukanis’ theory of the link between commodity and legal … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2020). El reconocimiento de la enajenación en el capital como acción política [The recognition of alienation in capital as political action]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 251-259). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.

ABSTRACT: Interview conducted by Economics students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economic Studies Curriculum, Marx’s Capital, Political action DOWNLOAD

Hirsch, M. (2020) Determinación y tendencia del valor de la fuerza de trabajo en la crítica de la economía política. Red Sociales [The determination and trend of labour power in the critique of political economy]. Revista del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 07 (06), 32-49.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines Marxist discussions on how the value of labor power and its trend are determined. Unlike the most resonant approaches, which explain this determination by class struggle, it is argued that value of labor power is given by the corresponding value of the commodities that each worker needs to consume so … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2020). La obra de Marx como posibilidad de autoconocimiento como sujeto político. [Marx’s work as the possibility of self-knowledge in terms of political subject]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 213-227). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa

ABSTRACT: Interview to Juan Iñigo Carrera, conducted by Economics students from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economics curriculum; Marx’s Capital; Alienation; Political action DOWNLOAD PDF 

Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la Nueva División Internacional del Trabajo. [On the role of Argentina in the New International Division of Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

ABSTRACT With the consolidation of the capitalist mode of production, the process of social reproduction takes on a global character. Still, differences among the roles played by diverse countries are apparent. In this work, the authors offer a perspective on the role that Argentina plays in the process of global production, focusing especially on the … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2024). From the negation of the materiality of abstract labor to the abstraction of the revolutionary subject’s free will. The case of Michael Heinrich. Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT Translation of Iñigo Carrera, J. (2021) Conocer el capital hoy. Usar críticamente “El Capital”, Vol. 1: ‘La mercancía, o la conciencia libre como forma de la conciencia enajenada’ [Knowing Capital Today, Using “Capital” Critically, Vol. 1: ‘The commodity, that is, free consciousness as the form of alienated consciousness’], Segunda edición, Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires; … Read more

Friedenthal, T. (2022). Understanding the transition between Marx’s Capital I and II. Critique, 50:2-3, 459-480.

RESUMEN In the literature concerning Marx’s Capital II, the question of its systematic connection with Capital I has received limited attention. The present paper is an attempt to fill this gap. Tracing the widening contradictions between capital as it manifests itself in circulation and capital in production, as well as between the total social capital … Read more

Starosta, G. (2020). A forma-mercadoria e o método dialético. Estrutura de exposição de Marx no capítulo 1 de O Capital. [The commodity-form and the dialectical method. On the structure of Marx’s exposition in chapter 1 of Capital.] Revista Eleuthería, 5(08), 112–136

ABSTRACT A methodologically-minded critical reading of Marx’s argument about the determinations of the value-form of the product of labor in the first chapter of Capital contributes to the growing literature on the dialectical structure of Marx’s critique of political economy by bringing out often-overlooked aspects of his argument. First, there is a crucial distinction between … Read more