Guevara, S. (2011a). Los cambios de la acumulación de capital a nivel mundial y los procesos regionales de integración: un análisis de los distintos enfoques teóricos [Changes in global capital accumulation and regional integration processes: an analysis of the different theoretical approaches]. Revista Política Hoje, 20(1), 51-74.


Since the 1970’s was developing the rapid transformation of the conditions under which the society produces its life (organisation of work processes, circulation patterns of production, political forms of organisation and regulation of social life, etc.). This transformation has been conceptualised in different ways according to different theoretical perspectives. Regional integration has developed a new way and gained a new momentum in the last 40 years as part of that process of transformation. In this paper we systematise and call into question various theoretical responses that have been developed to explain these phenomena of regional integration, focusing especially in the case of the Southern Common Market. This means that present and discuss the postures that analyze regional integration from the point of view of international trade from those who analyze the relationship between nation-states, those who understand it as a tool for economic development (neo-structuralism ) and, those that analyze it from the point of view of the unity of the social production process (understanding the accumulation of capital as an essentially global.) The work is located in the latter perspective which, in turn, is put into discussion through the differentiation of different perspectives within it.

KEYWORDS: Accumulation of capital; Regional Integration; International division of work; MERCOSUR


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