The scope of the reading and discussion aims at a twofold achievement by participants in the workshop:
1) To follow the path developed by Marx in the cognition of the capitalist mode of production, focusing on the discovery of its historical character, which can be summarised in the following points:
a. Capital as a materialised social relation that develops itself into the alienated subject of the life process of present day society
b. Its necessity to engender the material conditions for its own annihilation through the construction of the society of the freely (that is, consciously) associated individuals
c. The determination of the working class as the concrete subject of this revolutionary transcendence of the capitalist mode of production
2) To recognise, within the aforementioned development, the specific character and concrete forms of the dialectical method as the conscious organisation of action through the reproduction of the concrete by means of thought. More specifically, the recognition of the dialectical method as the ideal reproduction of the necessity of one’s own action.
These workshops are specially oriented to those who have limited readings of Marx’s works (Capital or others texts), or to those who want to accomplish a guided critical reading with the scope defined above.
The workshops have the following duration: volume I: 180 hours, volume II: 50 hours and volume III: 120 hours, with a weekly 2 hours meeting.
A new workshop on volume I is scheduled to begin every April.
Recordings are in Spanish: