This chapter introduces Juan Iñigo Carrera’s take on the NIDL. In it, Iñigo Carrera proceeds from a particular point of departure, that is, from the global process of accumulation in its organic unity, and within which distinct national processes of accumulation emerge as specific concrete forms of that same global process. He argues that there is an objective determination relating to the formation of a general rate of profit as the regulator of the unity of the process of capital accumulation, and which engenders a qualitative difference between those capitals that are able to contribute to that formation and those which cannot—resulting therefore in differentiated concrete rates of profit. The latter sections of the chapter integrate these two arguments so as to present an innovative, critical, methodological basis for the re-examination of the CIDL and NIDL—one that sharply contrasts with dominant interpretations.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Rate of profit; Small capital; Normal capital; International division of labour