Juan Iñigo Carrera’s chapter, ‘Method: from the Grundrisse to Capital’, explores the development of Marx’s method, from the 1840s onwards. Iñigo Carrera argues that the Grundrisse constitute a step in the development of an original method: the reproduction of the concrete by means of thought, as opposed to its representation – a method which, however, is only fully discovered and developed in the writing of Capital. Thus, an engagement with the latter text can help us to throw light upon both the methodological innovations and limitations of the former. From this perspective, we can see that the discovery of the determinations of value in the Grundrisse still follows an essentially analytic course. Capital, on the other hand, overcomes these limitations in the flow of synthetic reproduction from its point of departure, allowing Marx to develop the substance of value into its necessary concrete forms. Iñigo Carrera thus argues that the transition from the Grundrisse to Capital involves not simply a change in the method of presentation, but also in the method of inquiry itself.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Dialectical method; Grundrisse; Marx’s capital; Method of presentation
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