The construction of the community of the freely, i.e., consciously, associated individuals is the most genuine critique of the present social organisation. Does critical scientific theory, the scientific theory that sees itself as the direct expression of free consciousness vis à vis the general alienation of consciousness in capitalism, appears today living up to this social necessity? The apparent separation between cognition and practice stems from the nature of the historical stage of humanity’s development in which the regulation of the process of social metabolism by means of thought – the specifically human regulation of the process of social metabolism – is alienated, turning itself into a concrete form of the autonomous regulation of this process by the production of value. Only in this historical stage can scientific cognition appear denying its true immediate condition as the necessary form taken by the regulation of conscious action, by consecrating philosophy as its necessary foundation. Moreover, scientific cognition can even appear as the very denying of action, as its abstract opposite, in other words, as theoretical cognition. In the very form of its method, that is, as ‘dialectical cognition’, the reproduction of one’s own necessity by means of one’s thought immediately shows itself excluding all appearance of externality in relation to the action that it sustains. It shows itself, therefore, as what it is: the regulation of such action, that is to say, a specific portion of this action and, consequently, this action itself. Scientific research thus overcomes all appearance of being the abstract opposite of practice, to affirm itself as ‘practical criticism’. As a concrete form of social relations, the conscious regulation of the process of social metabolism under the form of the ideal reproduction of reality – dialectical cognition- is necessarily a task of the collective labourer cut off by the execution of the transformation of its environment on the basis of this regulation itself. This collective laborer only affirms itself in its unity as such with respect to the process of the virtual appropriation of reality, in the development by each of its members of, at least, the whole reproduction of the necessity of the portion of the collective action that, as such member, it is for him/her to perform. In brief, the action regulated under the form of dialectical cognition abolishes the separation between intellectual labor and manual labor. For the time being, this regulation of action is a necessary concrete form of capital. In the development of the form of its process determining the necessary form of the social subject capable of realizing it, dialectical cognition makes evident, by its sole form, that it is only a potency of capital insofar as this one has its own annihilation through the development of the material conditions for the said conscious regulation, as its historical necessity. Only because it is thus determined by its specific form of ideal reproduction of reality as a class product, as the working class? science, scientific cognition frees itself from any ideological determination.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Action; Marx; Method; Practice; Theory