Grinberg, N. (2023). From the British to the Chinese Periphery: Capital Accumulation Through Primary-Commodity Production in Australia and Argentina. Comparative Economic Studies, 65(2), 288-323.


This paper compares the economic development of Australia and Argentina. Drawing on key insights of Marx’s critique of political economy, it argues that both  national portions of global capital accumulation have been structured under the  same  speciic form; namely: to produce primary commodities under favourable natural conditions. Consequently, they have both been sources of large amounts of ground-rent which rent-paying international capital could appropriate/recover through nation-state mediation. Diferences in the economic development of Australia and Argentina are explained in terms of the concrete historical and natural  conditions under which this national modality of capital accumulation came about  in the two national economies. This analysis serves to highlight the speciicities of  national processes of economic development structured to produce raw materials for  world markets as well as the conditions leading to diferentiation.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Argentina; Australia; Capitalism; Marx; Political Economy; Comparative


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