Iñigo Carrera, J. (2007d). La détermination historique du mode de production capitaliste et de la classe ouvrière comme sujet révolutionnaire face à la fragmentation actuelle de la subjectivité productive de la force de travail. Presentado en el Congrès Marx International V, Université de Paris-X Nanterre.

RESUMEN Le capitalisme est le développement de la subjectivité humaine en transformant les puissances productives du travail libre individuel en ceux du travail social consciemment organisé par le travailleur collectif qui l´effectue comme travail privé. La classe ouvrière fait face à son produit propre, la capacité pour organiser scientifiquement la production, comme une puissance aliénée. … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2010c). The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Rise of Giant Global Contractors: A Marxian Approach to Some Recent Transformations of Global Value Chains. New Political Economy, 15(4), 543–563.

RESUMEN This article aims to show that the Marxian ‘law of value’ can provide solid foundations for the comprehension of the constitution and dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVC). It offers an explanation of the social processes of ‘value creation and capture’ within a chain based on the system-wide motion of global capital accumulation. A … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2010a). Global commodity chains and the Marxian law of value. Antipode, 42(2), 433–465.

RESUMEN This paper develops a Marxian critique of the “global commodity chain” (GCC) paradigm. It is argued that this approach fails to provide an actual explanation of the phenomenon it sets about to investigate. Instead, it offers a typological description of the immediate manifestations of the determinations at stake. As a consequence, the GCC approach … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2012b). El sistema de maquinaria y las determinaciones de la subjetividad revolucionaria en los Grundrisse y El Capital. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas : aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 92–136). Buenos Aires: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

RESUMEN Este trabajo sintetiza los descubrimientos realizados por Marx sobre las determinaciones concretas de la organización social superadora del modo de producción capitalista bajo la forma potencial en que se presentan bajo el actual modo de producción. A través del análisis de lo planteado por Marx en cuanto a los cambios en la materialidad del … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2013b). The political economy of Brazilian (Latin American) and Korean (East Asian) comparative development: moving beyond nation-centred approaches. New Political Economy, 18(2), 171–197.

RESUMEN The article argues that in order to grasp fully Brazilian and Korean post-WWII developmental and growth experiences, it is first necessary to account for global-economy dynamics and the transformations in the International Division of Labour. These, together with local factors that particularly affect the objective conditions for the valorisation of capital in different productive … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2013). The System of Machinery and Determinations of Revolutionary Subjectivity in the Grundrisse and Capital. En R. Bellofiore, G. Starosta, & P. D. Thomas (Eds.), In Marx’s Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse (pp. 233–264). Leiden: Brill.

RESUMEN Guido Starosta’s chapter, ‘The System of Machinery and Determinations of Revolutionary Subjectivity in the Grundrisse and Capital’, argues that Marx’s exposition of the forms of the real subsumption of labour to capital – in particular, the system of machinery of large-scale industry – constitutes the dialectical presentation of the determinations of revolutionary subjectivity. Starosta … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016b). From the financial crisis to the next eleven: limits and contradictions in the Korean process of capital accumulation. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 21(1), 1–25.

RESUMEN This paper examines the South Korean economic crisis of 1997-1998 and the subsequent recovery. For this, it first analyses the specific characteristics and longterm development of the process capital accumulation there. The paper claims that, as in the rest of East Asia, capital accumulation in Korea has, since the mid-1960s, revolved around the production … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016c). Global Commodity Chains and the Production of Surplus-value on a Global Scale: Bringing Back the New International Division of Labor Theory. Journal of World-Systems Research, 22(1), 247-278.

RESUMEN This paper offers a critique of mainstream and critical versions of Global Commodity Chain analysis of post 1960s global economy transformations claiming that they suffer from different types of methodological nationalism. After arguing that the key to overcoming their intrinsic problems is to be found in the critical revision of Fröbel, Heinrichs and Kreye’s New International Division of … Leer más

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2004), Trabajo Infantil y Capital. Imago Mundi

Iñigo Carrera, Juan Trabajo infantil y capital Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2008. ISBN: 978-950-793-078-2 ÍNDICE – Prólogo – Capítulo 1. Las determinaciones materiales del trabajo y de los atributos productivos del trabajador – Capítulo 2. Análisis crítico de los estudios que se detienen en las manifestaciones inmediatas del trabajo infantil – Capítulo 3. Análisis crítico de … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2014). From Miracle to Crisis and Back: The Political Economy of South Korean Long-Term Development. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 44(4), 711–734.

RESUMEN This article analyses the process of economic development and associated political transformations in South Korea since the mid-1960s. It claims that, as in the rest of East Asia, capital accumulation in South Korea has revolved around the production of specific industrial goods for world markets using the relatively cheap and highly disciplined local workforce … Leer más