Charnock, G., & Starosta, G. (2018). Towards a “Unified Field Theory” of Uneven Development: Human Productive Subjectivity, Capital and the International. Global Society, 32(3), 324-343.

RESUMEN This article puts labour, and its historically changing forms of existence, at the centre of the theorisation of uneven international development. It advocates a consciously dialectical approach that goes beyond significant limitations in historical-geographical materialism, and in the work of Neil Smith in particular. It argues, first, that geopolitical modes of explanation cannot be … Leer más

Dachevsky F. & Kornblihtt, J. (2017). The Reproduction and Crisis of Capitalism in Venezuela under Chavismo. Latin American Perspectives, 212 (44), 78–93

RESUMEN The current crisis in Venezuela is sometimes said to have been provoked by the response of imperialism and the local oligarchy to the fundamental changes in economic and political relations fostered during the administrations of Hugo Chávez. A quantitative study using various statistical sources shows that the significant increase in oil rent during the … Leer más

Kornblihtt, J. & Dachevsky, F. (2017). Crisis y renta de la tierra petrolera en Venezuela: crítica a la teoría de la Guerra Económica. Cuadernos del CENDES, 94, 1-30

RESUMEN La crisis venezolana es, para una parte de los intelectuales chavistas, una Guerra Económica donde se enfrenta un gobierno popular contra monopolios locales y extranjeros que buscan desestabilizarlo para avanzar en un proyecto neoliberal. Frente a esto, los ideólogos de la oposición plantean que los problemas son fruto del despilfarro corrupto y populista del … Leer más

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2003a). Capítulo 02. Transformaciones en la acumulación de capital. De la producción nacional del obrera universal a la fragmentación internacional de la subjetividad productiva de la clase obrera

Capítulo 2 del libro “El Capital: razón histórica, sujeto revolucionario y conciencia” DESCARGAR PDF

Starosta, G. (2016). Revisiting the New International Division of Labour Thesis. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 79–103). Palgrave.

RESUMEN In Chap. 4 , Guido Starosta turns his attention to the task of the critical reconstruction of the NIDL thesis. While acknowledging the insights of the original thesis, Starosta argues that the foundation for the emergence of the NIDL does not reside in the intensification of the manufacturing division of labour, that is, in … Leer más

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2016). The General Rate of Profit and Its Realisation in the Differentiation of Industrial Capitals. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 25–53). Palgrave.

RESUMEN This chapter introduces Juan Iñigo Carrera’s take on the NIDL. In it, Iñigo Carrera proceeds from a particular point of departure, that is, from the global process of accumulation in its organic unity, and within which distinct national processes of accumulation emerge as specific concrete forms of that same global process. He argues that … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016d). Patterns of “State-Led Development” in Brazil and South Korea: The Steel Manufacturing Industries. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 215–244). Palgrave.

RESUMEN In Chapter 9, Nicolas Grinberg offers an alternative account to the mainstream, institutionalist view on the state-led process of economic development in Brazil and South Korea. Focusing on the development of the Brazilian and Korean steel industries, Grinberg claims that the specific form of participation of each economy in the production of relative surplus-value … Leer más

Friedenthal, T., & Starosta, G. (2016). The New International Division of Labour in “High-Tech Production”: The Genesis of Ireland’s Boom in the 1990s. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 127–156). Palgrave.

RESUMEN Chapter 6 examines Ireland’s rapid structural economic transformation during the 1990s, and the debates that emerged about the potentialities and limits of this idiosyncratic ‘developmental model’, and its apparently successful integration into the global economy. Whilst neo-liberal economists have tended to explain the Irish experience of rapid growth in terms of the adoption of … Leer más