Grinberg, N. (2023). Transformations in the Brazilian and Korean Processes of Capitalist Development

Grinberg, N. (2023). Transformations in the Brazilian and Korean Processes of Capitalist Development between the Early 1950s and the Mid-2010s: From Global Capital Accumulation to Late Industrialisation. ISBN: 978-90-04-67905-4 ÍNDICE Introduction 0.1 State-Centred Accounts: Neoliberal and Statist Approaches. 0.1.1 Neoliberal Approaches. 0.1.2 Statist Approaches. 0.1.3 Problems of State-Centred Approaches. 0.2 Global Capital Accumulation and the … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2023). Capital Accumulation in the “Lucky Country”: Australia from the “Sheep’s Back” to the “Quarry Economy.” Part II: The Commonwealth Period. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 53(1), 2-27.

RESUMEN The Australian economy went from being amongst the most promising areas of “new settlement,” to producing one of the most “mediocre” rich-country performances, only to later enjoy a “miraculous” revival. This is the second part of a two-part article that presents an account of this Australian trajectory that is critical of mainstream traditions. Drawing … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2022). Capital Accumulation in the “Lucky Country”: Australia from the “Sheep’s Back” to the “Quarry Economy.” Part I: The Colonial Period. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 52(5), 696-714.

RESUMEN Australia is unique as the only ex-colonial economy that has remained throughout its history at the top of high-income countries despite continuously specialising in the production of raw materials for world markets. Conscious of this peculiarity, a Treasurer once warned the nation of the risk of becoming a “banana republic.” This article, the first … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2023). From the British to the Chinese Periphery: Capital Accumulation Through Primary-Commodity Production in Australia and Argentina. Comparative Economic Studies, 65(2), 288-323.

RESUMEN This paper compares the economic development of Australia and Argentina. Drawing on key insights of Marx’s critique of political economy, it argues that both  national portions of global capital accumulation have been structured under the  same  speciic form; namely: to produce primary commodities under favourable natural conditions. Consequently, they have both been sources of … Leer más

Rojas Cifuentes, J., Rivas Castro, G., Fuentes Salvo, M., & Kornblihtt, J. (2023). La cuantificación del desarrollo histórico del capital en América del Sur.

Rojas Cifuentes, J., Rivas Castro, G., Fuentes Salvo, M., & Kornblihtt, J. La cuantificación del desarrollo histórico del capital en América del Sur. 2023. ISBN: 978-956-6095 -67-5 ÍNDICE INTRODUCCIÓN PARTE I: Discusiones en torno a la renta de la tierra en América del Sur CAPÍTULO I Acerca del carácter de los procesos latinoamericanos de acumulación … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2021). Ground-Rent and Capital Accumulation in Australia. Australian Economic Review, 54(2), 231-254.

RESUMEN: This paper presents an original estimation of the size of the ground‐rent appropriated by competing social subjects in the Australian economy over the long term, and of several economic variables necessary to accomplish that measurement. The paper also assesses the relative importance of ground‐rent in total surplus‐value and the Australian process of capital accumulation, … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2018). Institutions and Capitalist Development: A Critique of the New Institutional Economics. Science & Society, 82(2), 203-233.

RESUMEN New Institutional Economics (NIE) is a branch of neoclassical economics that regards the institutional setting of exchange (markets) as the key force accounting for differences in nations’ economic performance. Though originally focused on economic institutions, this approach has paid increasing attention to the political institutions giving birth to the former. Why Nations Fail? by … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016d). Patterns of “State-Led Development” in Brazil and South Korea: The Steel Manufacturing Industries. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 215–244). Palgrave.

RESUMEN In Chapter 9, Nicolas Grinberg offers an alternative account to the mainstream, institutionalist view on the state-led process of economic development in Brazil and South Korea. Focusing on the development of the Brazilian and Korean steel industries, Grinberg claims that the specific form of participation of each economy in the production of relative surplus-value … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2008). From the “Miracle” to the “Lost Decade”: intersectoral transfers and external credit in the Brazilian economy. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 28(2), 291–311.

RESUMEN The present paper examines the Brazilian experience from the ‘Economic Miracle’ to the ‘Lost Decade’. Its aim is to advance an alternative measurement of the flows of extraordinary wealth (i.e. ground-rent and net external credit) available for appropriation in the Brazilian economy and to asses their relevance in sustaining the process of accumulation of industrial capital. That is done … Leer más

Grinberg, N., & Starosta, G. (2009). The Limits of Studies in Comparative Development of East Asia and Latin America: the case of land reform and agrarian policies. Third World Quarterly, 30(4), 761–777.

RESUMEN This paper critically examines the widespread belief that the early implementation of comprehensive land reforms prior to the industrialisation process, coupled with subsequent agrarian state policies channelling the intersectoral transfer of resources, has been a central determinant of East Asia’s (mainly Taiwan’s and South Korea’s) outperformance of Latin America. We argue that, although those … Leer más