Grinberg, N. (2023). Transformations in the Brazilian and Korean Processes of Capitalist Development

Grinberg, N. (2023). Transformations in the Brazilian and Korean Processes of Capitalist Development between the Early 1950s and the Mid-2010s: From Global Capital Accumulation to Late Industrialisation. ISBN: 978-90-04-67905-4 ÍNDICE Introduction 0.1 State-Centred Accounts: Neoliberal and Statist Approaches. 0.1.1 Neoliberal Approaches. 0.1.2 Statist Approaches. 0.1.3 Problems of State-Centred Approaches. 0.2 Global Capital Accumulation and the … Leer más

Rojas Cifuentes, J., Rivas Castro, G., Fuentes Salvo, M., & Kornblihtt, J. (2023). La cuantificación del desarrollo histórico del capital en América del Sur.

Rojas Cifuentes, J., Rivas Castro, G., Fuentes Salvo, M., & Kornblihtt, J. La cuantificación del desarrollo histórico del capital en América del Sur. 2023. ISBN: 978-956-6095 -67-5 ÍNDICE INTRODUCCIÓN PARTE I: Discusiones en torno a la renta de la tierra en América del Sur CAPÍTULO I Acerca del carácter de los procesos latinoamericanos de acumulación … Leer más

Kornblihtt, J., Seiffer, T., Mussi, E. (2016). Las alternativas al Neoliberalismo como forma de reproducir la particularidad del capital en América del Sur. Pensamiento al margen, 4, 104-135

RESUMEN La particularidad en América del Sur es su rol jugado en el desarrollo de capital que se valoriza a una tasa de ganancia normal pese a tener una baja productividad para recuperar la renta de la tierra cedida a los terratenientes al comprar materias primas. En el artículo, se analiza cómo esa especificidad se … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016d). Patterns of “State-Led Development” in Brazil and South Korea: The Steel Manufacturing Industries. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 215–244). Palgrave.

RESUMEN In Chapter 9, Nicolas Grinberg offers an alternative account to the mainstream, institutionalist view on the state-led process of economic development in Brazil and South Korea. Focusing on the development of the Brazilian and Korean steel industries, Grinberg claims that the specific form of participation of each economy in the production of relative surplus-value … Leer más

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2008b). La unidad mundial de la acumulación de capital en su forma nacional históricamente dominante en América Latina. Crítica de las teorías del desarrollo, de la dependencia y del imperialismo. Presentado en el IV Coloquio Internacional de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Economía Política y Pensamiento Crítico, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

RESUMEN El auge de la llamada nueva división internacional del trabajo parecía haber sumido en la irrelevancia histórica a los procesos nacionales de acumulación de capital caracterizados por la producción de mercancías primarias con destino al mercado mundial (hoy, incluyendo su procesamiento primario, en particular cuando éste resulta fuertemente contaminante) y un mayor o menor … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2008). From the “Miracle” to the “Lost Decade”: intersectoral transfers and external credit in the Brazilian economy. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 28(2), 291–311.

RESUMEN The present paper examines the Brazilian experience from the ‘Economic Miracle’ to the ‘Lost Decade’. Its aim is to advance an alternative measurement of the flows of extraordinary wealth (i.e. ground-rent and net external credit) available for appropriation in the Brazilian economy and to asses their relevance in sustaining the process of accumulation of industrial capital. That is done … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2013a). Capital accumulation and ground-rent in Brazil: 1953–2008. International Review of Applied Economics, 27(4), 449–471.

RESUMEN The paper measures the size of primary-sector surpluses in the form of ground-rent appropriated by social subjects other than landowners in Brazil, and assesses their weight in supporting the process of capital accumulation during the period 1953–2008. For that purpose, the paper identifies the mechanisms through which state policies channelled a portion of ground-rent … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2013b). The political economy of Brazilian (Latin American) and Korean (East Asian) comparative development: moving beyond nation-centred approaches. New Political Economy, 18(2), 171–197.

RESUMEN The article argues that in order to grasp fully Brazilian and Korean post-WWII developmental and growth experiences, it is first necessary to account for global-economy dynamics and the transformations in the International Division of Labour. These, together with local factors that particularly affect the objective conditions for the valorisation of capital in different productive … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2016a). From Populist Developmentalism to Liberal Neodevelopmentalism: The Specificity and Historical Development of Brazilian Capital Accumulation. Critical Historical Studies, 3(1), 65–104.

RESUMEN This article analyzes the trajectory of Brazilian society between the time of populist developmentalism and the emergence of neodevelopmentalism. Challenging mainstream accounts, it argues that the various policy regimes consolidating throughout the period have been forms of realization of the autonomously regulated process of capital accumulation on a global scale. More concretely, it is … Leer más

Grinberg, N. (2015). On the Brazilian ground-rent appropriated by landowners. Revista de Economia Politica, 35(4), 799–824.

RESUMEN This paper presents a measurement of the portion of the Brazilian ground rent appropriated by agrarian landowners during 1955-2005 and assesses its importance relative to other forms of surplus value appropriated in the Brazilian economy. In pursuing this task, the paper also puts forward original estimations of several time-series that are crucial for the … Leer más