Iñigo Carrera, J. (1997). De la simple mercancía a la mercancía-capital: La transformación de los valores en precios de producción. Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

RESUMEN La especificidad social de las mercancías, su forma de valor, tiene como su determinación más simple el que el trabajo abstracto materializado en ellas es representado como la capacidad de éstas para relacionarse entre sí en el cambio, y con ello relacionar a sus productores. Esta relación social fetichizada se desarrolla necesariamente en una … Leer más

Iñigo Carrera, J. (1995a). From Simple Commodities to Capital-Commodities: The Transformation of Values into Prices of Production. Presentado en el 21st Annual Convention of the Eastern Economic Association, Mini-Conference of the International Working Group in Value Theory, New York City.

RESUMEN The social specificity of commodities, their value-form, has its simplest determination in that the abstract labour materialised in them is represented as their capacity to relate among themselves in exchange, thus socially relating their producers. This fetishist social relation necessarily develops into a material production that has the valorization of value as its immediate … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2010c). The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Rise of Giant Global Contractors: A Marxian Approach to Some Recent Transformations of Global Value Chains. New Political Economy, 15(4), 543–563.

RESUMEN This article aims to show that the Marxian ‘law of value’ can provide solid foundations for the comprehension of the constitution and dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVC). It offers an explanation of the social processes of ‘value creation and capture’ within a chain based on the system-wide motion of global capital accumulation. A … Leer más

Starosta, G. (2010a). Global commodity chains and the Marxian law of value. Antipode, 42(2), 433–465.

RESUMEN This paper develops a Marxian critique of the “global commodity chain” (GCC) paradigm. It is argued that this approach fails to provide an actual explanation of the phenomenon it sets about to investigate. Instead, it offers a typological description of the immediate manifestations of the determinations at stake. As a consequence, the GCC approach … Leer más