Caligaris, G., Fitzsimons, A., Guevara, S., & Starosta, G. (2022). A missing link in the agrarian question: The role of ground-rent and landed property in capital accumulation. The case of Argentina (1993-2019). The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(5), 1709-1734.


This article examines the relevance of ground-rent and landed property for the economic and political forms of capital accumulation in Argentina. This specific focus on capitalist development in Argentina is more broadly framed as a theoretical intervention within recent debates on Agrarian Marxism, which addresses the major issues under controversy through the lenses of an original methodologically-minded approach to the Marxian critique of political economy. Empirical quantitative evidence for the theoretical discussion is offered through the presentation of an estimate of ground-rent and its appropriation by landowners between 1993 and 2019.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Agrarian Marxism; Landowners; Ground-rent; Recovery of surplus value; International division of labour; Latin American; Capital accumulation


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