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- Charnock, G., & Starosta, G. (2018). Towards a “Unified Field Theory” of Uneven Development: Human Productive Subjectivity, Capital and the International. Global Society, 32(3), 324-343.
- Fitzsimons, A., & Starosta, G. (2018). Global capital, uneven development and national difference: Critical reflections on the specificity of accumulation in Latin America. Capital & Class, 42(1), 109-132.
- Friedenthal, T., & Starosta, G. (2016). The New International Division of Labour in “High-Tech Production”: The Genesis of Ireland’s Boom in the 1990s. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 127–156). Palgrave.
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- Grinberg, N., & Starosta, G. (2009). The Limits of Studies in Comparative Development of East Asia and Latin America: the case of land reform and agrarian policies. Third World Quarterly, 30(4), 761–777.
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- Iñigo Carrera, J. (2016). The General Rate of Profit and Its Realisation in the Differentiation of Industrial Capitals. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 25–53). Palgrave.
- Pérez Trento, N. (2020). En torno a las potencialidades y límites del enfoque (neo)extractivista respecto de la dinámica reciente de la acumulación de capital en la Argentina (1990-2016) [On the potentialities and limits of the (neo-)extractivist approach regarding the recent dynamics of capital accumulation in Argentina (1990-2016)]. Izquierdas, 49, 3974–3998.
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- Starosta, G. (2016). Revisiting the New International Division of Labour Thesis. En G. Charnock & G. Starosta (Eds.), The New International Division of Labour (pp. 79–103). Palgrave.