Kornblihtt, J., Seiffer, T., Mussi, E. (2016). Las alternativas al Neoliberalismo como forma de reproducir la particularidad del capital en América del Sur [Alternatives to neoliberalism as a form of reproducing capital specificity in South America]. Pensamiento al margen, 4, 104-135


South America’s particularity is its role played to capital in its valorisation at a normal rate of profit despite having a low productivity as the way of recovering the ground rent pay to landowners when buying commodities. The article analyses how this specify has been transformed during post-WWII years by passing from industrialisation policies to neoliberal ones and again to an alternative of neoliberal policies. Focusing on this alleged pro people instead of pro-market alternative to neoliberalism policies adopted during 2000s, it is said in the article that they reproduce the particularity of the capital accumulation in South America but in its transformation that results in a less and less industry capital valorisation weight and an increase of commerce and financial capital as the way of appropriation of ground rent and the consequent overpopulation expansion. The article finishes with an analysis of the working class political perspectives as the way of capital transformation in the region.

KEYWORDS: South America; Ground rent; Alternatives to neoliberalism


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