Iñigo Carrera, J. (2002d). The historical reason of existence of the capitalist mode of production and the determination of the working class as a revolutionary subject. Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT Nowadays, the mere reference to necessity, to a historical reason, means scandal and abomination among many of those that present themselves as critics of capitalism. “Teleology”, falls excommunication on any scientific recognition that society advances in a determined direction. And the action that affirms itself in its freedom by ruling itself through the scientific … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2002c). Transformations in capital accumulation: From the national production of an universal labourer to the international fragmentation of the productive subjectivity of the working-class. Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT The revolutionary action of the working-class needs to organise itself through the awareness of its concrete determinations. Since we are focusing on a process characterised by international integration and fragmentation, it could seem that the most concrete approach is that circumscribed to the economic policies that prevailed in the different national processes of capital … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2003a), El Capital: razón histórica, sujeto revolucionario y conciencia [Capital: Historical Reason, Revolutionary Subject and Consciousness]. Imago Mundi.

Iñigo Carrera, Juan El Capital: razón histórica, sujeto revolucionario y conciencia [Capital: Historical Reason, Revolutionary Subject and Consciousness] Ediciones Cooperativas, Buenos Aires, 2003. Second edition, Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2013. ISBN: 978-950-793-161-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: Historical reason and revolutionary subject Chapter 1: The historical reason to be of the capitalist mode of production and the … Read more

Charnock, Greig & Starosta, Guido (2016), The New International Division of Labour: Global Transformation and Uneven Development. Palgrave Macmillan

Charnock, Greig y Starosta, Guido The New International Division of Labour: Global Transformation and Uneven Development Palgrave, London, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-137-53872-7 INDEX – Charnock, Greig & Starosta, Guido – Introduction: The New International Division of Labour and the Critique of Political Economy Today – Iñigo Carrera, Juan – The General Rate of Profit and Its … Read more

Starosta, G. (2010c). The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Rise of Giant Global Contractors: A Marxian Approach to Some Recent Transformations of Global Value Chains. New Political Economy, 15(4), 543–563.

ABSTRACT This article aims to show that the Marxian ‘law of value’ can provide solid foundations for the comprehension of the constitution and dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVC). It offers an explanation of the social processes of ‘value creation and capture’ within a chain based on the system-wide motion of global capital accumulation. A … Read more

Starosta, G. (2010c). The Outsourcing of Manufacturing and the Rise of Giant Global Contractors: A Marxian Approach to Some Recent Transformations of Global Value Chains. New Political Economy, 15(4), 543–563.

ABSTRACT This article aims to show that the Marxian ‘law of value’ can provide solid foundations for the comprehension of the constitution and dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVC). It offers an explanation of the social processes of ‘value creation and capture’ within a chain based on the system-wide motion of global capital accumulation. A … Read more

Guevara, S. (2010a). La acción gremial de los trabajadores automotrices en Argentina, desde la posdevaluación hasta la crisis actual [The trade union action of the automotive workers in Argentina, from postdevaluation to the current crisis]. Latin American profiles, 18 (36), 121 – 141.

ABSTRACT This paper analyses the characteristics that shaped the actions of the employees of the automotive companies in Argentina during the growth process of the industry until the beginning of the current crisis, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the prospects and limitations of those actions. From the viewpoint of industrial relations, changes … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2015). La crítica marxiana de la dialéctica hegeliana. De la reproducción ideal de un proceso ideal a la reproducción ideal de un proceso real [The marxian critique of the hegelian dialectic. From the ideal reproduction of an ideal process to the ideal reproduction of a real process]. Praxis Filosófica, (41), 81–112

ABSTRACT This article examines the connection between Hegel’s and Marx’s respective dialectical methods in the light of the recent Marxist debates on the subject matter. It argues that the development of the Marxian critique of political economy cannot uncritically appropriate the content or the form of Hegel’s dialectical method. More specifically, the article submits that … Read more