Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2015). La crítica marxiana de la dialéctica hegeliana. De la reproducción ideal de un proceso ideal a la reproducción ideal de un proceso real [The marxian critique of the hegelian dialectic. From the ideal reproduction of an ideal process to the ideal reproduction of a real process]. Praxis Filosófica, (41), 81–112


This article examines the connection between Hegel’s and Marx’s respective dialectical methods in the light of the recent Marxist debates on the subject matter. It argues that the development of the Marxian critique of political economy cannot uncritically appropriate the content or the form of Hegel’s dialectical method. More specifically, the article submits that there is a “rational kernel” in Hegel’s work, which can be found in his discovery of self-movement as the simplest form taken by the real. However, insofar as he takes a pure thought-form as point of departure, which, moreover, results from an act of absolute abstraction, the aforementioned “rational kernel” becomes expounded under a “mystical shell”. As a consequence, his dialectic remains external to the movement of the real concrete.

KEYWORDS: Dialectical method; Materialism; Idealism; Logic; Capital


Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2014). Which “Rational Kernel”? Which “Mystical Shell”? A Contribution to the Debate on the Connection between Hegel’s Logic and Marx’s Capital. En T. Smith & F. Moseley (Eds.), Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic. A Reexamination (pp. 89–112). Leiden: Brill.

ABSTRACT The chapter argues that in the Logic Hegel managed to discover the simplest form of existence of the real: the movement of affirmation through self-negation. As a consequence, he correctly presents the method of science as the systematic unfolding of the immanent life of the subject-matter. However, in so far as Hegel´s systematic dialectic … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2014b). Dialectics on Its Feet, or the Form of the Consciousness of the Working Class as Historical Subject. En T. Smith (Ed.), Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic (pp. 64–88). Leiden: Brill

ABSTRACT Juan Iñigo Carrera’s chapter (‘Dialectics on its Feet, or the Form of the Consciousness of the Working Class as Historical Subject’) argues that the need to place dialectics on its feet is not a matter of adapting Hegel’s logic to a materialist point of view, but is instead the necessity of transcending the historical … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2014a). The Historical Determination of the Capitalist Mode of Production and of the Working Class as the Revolutionary Subject. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 42(4), 555–572

ABSTRACT Prominent Marxist theoreticians conceive the working class as a revolutionary subject based on moral or ethical superiority, a natural will for freedom, self-valorization, the need to avoid barbarism, etc. From a materialist viewpoint, human history consists of the transformation of the material conditions of social life through labor. Capitalism is the historically specific development … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2017). Determinación actual e historia en la génesis del dinero. Una aproximación metodológica a la controversia sobre el carácter mercantil de la forma dineraria. En R. Escorcia Romo & M. L. Robles Báez (Eds.), Dinero y capital. Hacia una reconstrucción de la teoría del dinero de Marx (pp. 123–157). México: ITACA / UAM.

ABSTRACT En este trabajo se discute la explicación de la naturaleza del dinero ofrecida por Marx desde un punto de vista metodológico. En particular, se examina la cuestión haciendo foco en el vínculo que tienen el desarrollo sistemático y el análisis histórico en la exposición dialéctica. Para ello, se toma como punto de partida el … Read more

Dialectical Cognition. The regulation of the Action in its Form of Reproduction of Self-Necessity by thought

Iñigo Carrera, Juan Dialectical Cognition. The regulation of the Action in its Form of Reproduction of Self-Necessity by thought CICP, Buenos Aires, 1992. ISBN: 950-798-000-8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Presentation Capital’s development into conscious revolutionary action. Critique of scientific theory Dialectical cognition; i.e., the regulation of action in its form of reproduction of self-necessity by thought Chapter … Read more