Starosta, G. (2020). A forma-mercadoria e o método dialético. Estrutura de exposição de Marx no capítulo 1 de O Capital. [The commodity-form and the dialectical method. On the structure of Marx’s exposition in chapter 1 of Capital.] Revista Eleuthería, 5(08), 112–136

ABSTRACT A methodologically-minded critical reading of Marx’s argument about the determinations of the value-form of the product of labor in the first chapter of Capital contributes to the growing literature on the dialectical structure of Marx’s critique of political economy by bringing out often-overlooked aspects of his argument. First, there is a crucial distinction between … Read more

Starosta, G. (2020). A forma-mercadoria e o método dialético. Estrutura de exposição de Marx no capítulo 1 de O Capital [The commodity-form and the dialectical method on the structure of Marx’s exposition in chapter 1 of Capital]. Revista Eleuthería, 5(08), 112–136.

ABSTRACT A methodologically-minded critical reading of Marx’s argument about the determinations of the value-form of the product of labor in the first chapter of Capital contributes to the growing literature on the dialectical structure of Marx’s critique of political economy by bringing out often-overlooked aspects of his argument. First, there is a crucial distinction between … Read more

Starosta, G. (2019b). El significado del fetichismo de la mercancía en la secuencia «dialéctico-sistemática» en El Capital [The meaning of commodity fetichism in the «sistematic dialectic» sequence in Capital]. En O. Martínez (Ed.), Karl Marx desde América Latina. Dialéctica, política y teoría del valor (pp. 23-60). Lima, Perú: Ande / GISLAT.

KEYWORDS: Commodity fetichism; Dialectical method; Subjectivity; Value form. DOWNLOAD PDF

Steimberg, R. (2020). El capital como sujeto y el carácter idealista de la dialéctica hegeliana [Capital as a subject and the idealistic character of the Hegelian dialectic]. Izquierdas, (49), 625–641.

ABSTRACT The present paper takes as its object the reading that Riccardo Bellofiore makes of the link between Marx and Hegel. Bellofiore argues that Hegel’s idealism is due to expressing the real movement of capital, but attributing to the dialectic of the Absolute a circularity that capital lacks, since to achieve this condition it must … Read more

Starosta, G. (2017c). The Role and Place of ‘Commodity Fetishism’ in Marx’s Systematic-dialectical Exposition in Capital. Historical Materialism 25(3), 101-139.

Abstract This article aims to contribute to the literature on Marx’s systematic-dialectical method through a critical reading and discussion of the significance and presentational ‘architecture’ of the section on commodity fetishism in the dialectical sequence of form-determinations in Capital. In order to undertake this task, the paper firstly explores the content and expositional structure of … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2019). On Fred Moseley’s ‘Money and Totality: A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx’s Logic in Capital and the End of the “Transformation Problem”’. Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT Moseley confronts the ‘transformation problem’ from a methodological conception based on interpreting ‘Capital’ as a logical representation composed by a macro-theory concerning total social capital, and a micro-theory concerning the distribution of total surplus-value among individual capitals. This approach mutilates the dialectical development of the organic unity between social capital and individual capitals. Moseley … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018b). Revisiting the Miliband-Poulantzas debate: How to get to know the capitalist state? Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 18(2).

ABSTRACT Tis paper presents a critical analysis of the 1970ss famous debate between Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas around the capitalist state focusing on the method performed by both authors to address the problem. Te main argument is that the central problems in which both positions relapsed, as well as the fate of the debate, … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018). Revisiting the Marxist debate over the ‘breakdown’ of capitalism. A methodological critique. Izquierdas, 39, 182-208.

ABSTRACT This paper offers a critical reconstruction of the Marxist controversy over the ‘breakdown of capitalism’ developed between the last decades of the nineteenth century and the decade of 1930. In particular, it focuses on how each position in debate conceived the connection between capitalist economic development and the revolutionary action of the working class. … Read more