Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la Nueva División Internacional del Trabajo. [On the role of Argentina in the New International Division of Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

ABSTRACT With the consolidation of the capitalist mode of production, the process of social reproduction takes on a global character. Still, differences among the roles played by diverse countries are apparent. In this work, the authors offer a perspective on the role that Argentina plays in the process of global production, focusing especially on the … Read more

Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la nueva división internacional del trabajo [On Argentina´s role in the New International Division on Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

KEYWORDS: capital accumulation; new international division of labour; global unity of accumulation; Argentina. DOWNLOAD PDF

Pérez Trento, N. (2020). En torno a las potencialidades y límites del enfoque (neo)extractivista respecto de la dinámica reciente de la acumulación de capital en la Argentina (1990-2016) [On the potentialities and limits of the (neo-)extractivist approach regarding the recent dynamics of capital accumulation in Argentina (1990-2016)]. Izquierdas, 49, 3974–3998.

ABSTRACT In the context of the recurrent political oscillations that took place in the last decades in Latin America, a new approach strengthened among social sciences, which suggests the existence of an economic continuity: the intensification of the production of raw materials for the world market. This approach, which led to the characterization of these … Read more

Pérez Trento, N. (2019c). Sobre las bases de la fase actual del conflicto por el uso propio de semillas de soja genéticamente modificada y sus perspectivas de resolución [On the basis of the current phase of the conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybeans and its possible outcomes]. Sudamericana, 11, 204-229.

Abstract Almost two decades after its beginning, the conflict over seed saving has yetto be resolved. However, after the development of new agricultural biotechnologies, the balance of power has been transformed, and theconfrontation entered a new stage. In this paper, we aim to offer an account of this situation, by analyzing the basis on which … Read more

Pérez Trento, N. (2019). Sobre las bases de la fase actual del conflicto por el uso propio de semillas de soja genéticamente modificada y sus perspectivas de resolución [On the basis of the current phase of the conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybeans and its possible outcomes]. Sudamericana, 11, 204-229.

Abstract Almost two decades after its beginning, the conflict over seed saving has yet to be resolved. However, after the development of new agricultural biotechnologies, the balance of power has been transformed, and the confrontation entered a new stage. In this paper, we aim to offer an account of this situation, by analyzing the basis … Read more

Pérez Trento, N. (2019b). Las transformaciones globales en la producción de semillas y su impacto en el conflicto por el uso propio en Argentina [Global transformations in seed production and its impact in the Argentine conflict on seed saving]. Ciencia, docencia y tecnología, 30(59), 236-264.

Abstract In this paper we aim to analyze some of the transformations in the production of soybeans linked to the conflict unleashed in Argentina over the appropriation of seed saving royalties. More specifically, we will present the differentiation of the capitals that take part in the production of these seeds after the consolidation of biotechnologies … Read more

Levín, S. (2019) ¿Ha finalizado la fase húmeda de los ciclos de lluvia en la región pampeana? [Has the wet phase of the rain cycles in the Pampas region ended?] Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT El presente trabajo intenta contestar la pregunta de su título y para ello se hizo una actualización de otro realizado por el autor en 2011 “Fluctuaciones cíclicas de las precipitaciones en la Región Pampeana”. Se actualizó las series mensuales de precipitaciones de 32 estaciones meteorológicas hasta mayo de 2018. A partir de allí se … Read more

Pérez Trento, N. (2019a). Dos décadas de conflicto en torno al uso propio de semillas de soja genéticamente modificada en Argentina: fases del enfrentamiento, acumulación de capital y actores sociales (1996-2018) [Two decades of conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybeans in Argentina: conflict phases, capital accumulation, and social actors (1996-2018)]. Mundo Agrario, 43(20), pp. 1-21

ABSTRACT In this paper we aim to analyze the content of the conflict that arose in Argentina over genetically modified soybeans, which involved a multiplicity of social actors. In fact, although the claim for the payment of royalties was led by Monsanto, the breeders made the same demands, allying with the firm. These pretensions would … Read more

Perez Trento, N. (2017). El paro agrario de 2008 y la especificidad de la acumulación de capital en la Argentina. Revista de Economía Crítica, 23, 43-59

ABSTRACT One of the most significant agrarian conflicts in Argentina unleashed in May 2008. In brief, the confronting subjects gathered into two groups, leaded by the agrarian organizations, on one hand, and the national administration, on the other. This paper analyzes the economical determinations borne in the political actions performed by these social actors in … Read more

Caligaris, G. & Perez Trento, N. (2017). Capital y renta diferencial de tipo II: una revisión crítica de la historia de las interpretaciones marxistas. Economía Teoría y Práctica, 47, 217-248.

ABSTRACT This paper presents a critical reconstruction of the history of interpretations of the Marxist explanation of differential rent II. We show that, in contrast to how it is commonly portrayed, the current hegemonic interpretation within Marxist theory is far from immutable and incontrovertible. Alongside it, there exist at least two relevant interpretations, one of … Read more