Iñigo, L. (2021). Las transformaciones de la escolaridad como formas concretas del movimiento de la materialidad de la producción de la vida social. Automatización de los procesos de trabajo y generalización de la lectura [The transformation of schooling as concrete form of the movement of the materiality of social life production]. Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad, 18(18), 1-31.

ABSTRACT: The article puts forward a set of arguments as grounds to approach two global tendencies that have been described by the ‘world society’ theory: the expansion of secondary education starting the second half of the 20th century, and the standardization of its curriculum with a preeminence of reading comprehension and, more generally, the ability … Read more

Hirsch, M. (2020) Determinación y tendencia del valor de la fuerza de trabajo en la crítica de la economía política. Red Sociales [The determination and trend of labour power in the critique of political economy]. Revista del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 07 (06), 32-49.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines Marxist discussions on how the value of labor power and its trend are determined. Unlike the most resonant approaches, which explain this determination by class struggle, it is argued that value of labor power is given by the corresponding value of the commodities that each worker needs to consume so … Read more

Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la Nueva División Internacional del Trabajo. [On the role of Argentina in the New International Division of Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

ABSTRACT With the consolidation of the capitalist mode of production, the process of social reproduction takes on a global character. Still, differences among the roles played by diverse countries are apparent. In this work, the authors offer a perspective on the role that Argentina plays in the process of global production, focusing especially on the … Read more

Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la nueva división internacional del trabajo [On Argentina´s role in the New International Division on Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

KEYWORDS: capital accumulation; new international division of labour; global unity of accumulation; Argentina. DOWNLOAD PDF

Caligaris, G. (2019b). Desarrollo económico y acción política revolucionaria. Una evaluación crítica del debate marxista sobre el ‘derrumbe’ del capitalismo [Economic development and revolutionary political action. A critical review of the marxist debate on the ‘collapse’ of capitalism]. In R. Escorcia Romo & G. Caligaris (Eds.), Sujeto capital—Sujeto revolucionario. Análisis crítico del sistema capitalista y sus contradicciones (pp. 181–210). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / ITACA.


Fitzsimons, A. y Starosta, G. (2019) ¿Una mercancía “como cualquier otra”? Reexaminando la determinación del valor de la fuerza de trabajo [A commodity “like all other commodities”? Re-examining the determination of the value of labour power]. Economia e Sociedade 28 (3), p. 665-687.

ABSTRACT This article addresses the process of production of labour power with a view to re-examining Marx’s stance on the determination of the value of this ‘peculiar commodity’. In order to do so, the article critically reviews the main contributions which have called into question the Marxian analysis. It also offers an alternative argument that … Read more

Starosta, G., & Fitzsimons, A. (2018). Rethinking the determination of the value of labor power. Review of Radical Political Economics, 50(1), 99–115.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines the received wisdom on the value of labor power that posits the workers’ material reproduction and the class struggle as two independent factors that determine the bundle of wage-goods consumed by the working class. It shows that this reading has no solid textual basis on Marx’s writings. Furthermore, it argues … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2018). The determination of the “historical and moral component” of the value of labour-power. Caderno CRH, 31(82), 135–150.

ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to challenge the prevailing Marxist interpretation of what Marx called the “historical and moral component” of the value of labour-power, and to offer an alternative reading which is consistent with the foundations of the critique of political economy. In order to do so, the first part of the … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J., Iñigo Carrera, V. (2017). Capitalismo y pueblos indígenas en el Chaco argentino: formas y determinaciones de una subjetividad productiva. Revista Antropologías del Sur, 7, 117-139.

ABSTRACT The indigenous people of the Argentinean Chaco constitute a labouring population displaced from rural production, as it increasingly becomes in relative excess for capital’s requirements. This paper aims to address the process of progressive mutilation of their productive attributes, starting by unfolding its general determinations up to reaching the specific concrete forms in which … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2003a). Chapter 01. La razón histórica de existir del modo de producción capitalista y la determinación de la clase obrera como sujeto revolucionario

Chapter 1 from “El capital: razón histórica, sujeto revolucionario y conciencia”. DOWNLOAD PDF (only available in spanish)