Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la Nueva División Internacional del Trabajo. [On the role of Argentina in the New International Division of Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

ABSTRACT With the consolidation of the capitalist mode of production, the process of social reproduction takes on a global character. Still, differences among the roles played by diverse countries are apparent. In this work, the authors offer a perspective on the role that Argentina plays in the process of global production, focusing especially on the … Read more

Pérez Trento, N., & Starosta, G. (2020). En torno al rol de la Argentina en la nueva división internacional del trabajo [On Argentina´s role in the New International Division on Labour]. Voces del Fénix, 80, 48–55.

KEYWORDS: capital accumulation; new international division of labour; global unity of accumulation; Argentina. DOWNLOAD PDF

Pérez Trento, N. (2020). En torno a las potencialidades y límites del enfoque (neo)extractivista respecto de la dinámica reciente de la acumulación de capital en la Argentina (1990-2016) [On the potentialities and limits of the (neo-)extractivist approach regarding the recent dynamics of capital accumulation in Argentina (1990-2016)]. Izquierdas, 49, 3974–3998.

ABSTRACT In the context of the recurrent political oscillations that took place in the last decades in Latin America, a new approach strengthened among social sciences, which suggests the existence of an economic continuity: the intensification of the production of raw materials for the world market. This approach, which led to the characterization of these … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. y Guevara, S. (2019). Argentina en la industria automotriz global: una discusión acerca de la comparación internacional de la productividad del trabajo [Argentina in the global automotive industry: a discussion about the international comparison of labor productivity]. Cuadernos de Economía Crítica 10(5), 43-70

ABSTRACT In a recent issue in this journal, Pinazo, Córdoba and Dinerstein (2017) raised a discussion about the forms of development of the automotive industry in Argentina. These authors portray an image of an automotive industry with globally standardized products and export-oriented dynamics, explained by high levels of labor productivity and low labor costs. In contrast, from … Read more

Kornblihtt, J. & Dachevsky, F. (2017). Crisis y renta de la tierra petrolera en Venezuela: crítica a la teoría de la Guerra Económica. Cuadernos del CENDES, 94, 1-30

ABSTRACT The Venezuelan crisis is for a part of Chavistas intellectuals an Economic War where a popular government clash with local and foreign monopolies who try to undermine it in favour of a neoliberal Project. In contrast, opposition ideologues argue that the Budget waste caused by the corrupt and populist government trying to eternize in power is the problem. In this paper, … Read more

Dachevsky F. & Kornblihtt, J. (2017). The Reproduction and Crisis of Capitalism in Venezuela under Chavismo. Latin American Perspectives, 212 (44), 78–93

ABSTRACT The current crisis in Venezuela is sometimes said to have been provoked by the response of imperialism and the local oligarchy to the fundamental changes in economic and political relations fostered during the administrations of Hugo Chávez. A quantitative study using various statistical sources shows that the significant increase in oil rent during the … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2018). Institutions and Capitalist Development: A Critique of the New Institutional Economics. Science & Society, 82(2), 203-233.

ABSTRACT New Institutional Economics (NIE) is a branch of neoclassical economics that regards the institutional setting of exchange (markets) as the key force accounting for differences in nations’ economic performance. Though originally focused on economic institutions, this approach has paid increasing attention to the political institutions giving birth to the former. Why Nations Fail? by … Read more

Charnock, G., & Starosta, G. (2018). Towards a “Unified Field Theory” of Uneven Development: Human Productive Subjectivity, Capital and the International. Global Society, 32(3), 324-343.

ABSTRACT This article puts labour, and its historically changing forms of existence, at the centre of the theorisation of uneven international development. It advocates a consciously dialectical approach that goes beyond significant limitations in historical-geographical materialism, and in the work of Neil Smith in particular. It argues, first, that geopolitical modes of explanation cannot be … Read more