Caligaris, G. (2021). Una reconstrucción del debate marxista sobre la fuente del plusvalor extra que apropian los capitales innovadores [A reconstruction of the Marxist debate on the source of extra surplus value appropriated by innovative capitals]. Ensayos de Economía, 31(59), 165-185.

ABSTRACT: In this article the Marxist debate on the nature and source of the extra surplus value appropriated by capitals that introduce a technological innovation is reconstructed and presented. Until now, this controversy has always been treated as subsidiary to other debates. However, its reoccurrence and the evolution of the arguments – especially in the … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2020). El reconocimiento de la enajenación en el capital como acción política [The recognition of alienation in capital as political action]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 251-259). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.

ABSTRACT: Interview conducted by Economics students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economic Studies Curriculum, Marx’s Capital, Political action DOWNLOAD

Caligaris, G. (2019b). Desarrollo económico y acción política revolucionaria. Una evaluación crítica del debate marxista sobre el ‘derrumbe’ del capitalismo [Economic development and revolutionary political action. A critical review of the marxist debate on the ‘collapse’ of capitalism]. In R. Escorcia Romo & G. Caligaris (Eds.), Sujeto capital—Sujeto revolucionario. Análisis crítico del sistema capitalista y sus contradicciones (pp. 181–210). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / ITACA.


Caligaris, G. (2019). Distintas tasas de ganancia y tipos de capitales en la crítica de la economía política. Un enfoque alternativo [Different profit rates and types of capital in the Critique of Political Economy. An alternative approach]. En O. Martínez (Ed.), Karl Marx desde América Latina. Dialéctica, política y teoría del valor (pp. 391-416). Lima, Perú: Ande / GISLAT.

ABSTRACT La idea de que existe una tendencia a la formación de una tasa de ganancia uniforme para todas las ramas de la producción social está en la base de la explicación marxiana de los precios. Sin embargo, la realidad concreta de toda economía nacional evidencia que existen distintas tasas de ganancia que se mantienen … Read more

Caligaris G. & Starosta, G. (2019). Revisiting the Marxist Skilled-Labour Debate. Historical Materialism, 27(1), 55–91.

ABSTRACT This article offers an overview of Marx’s textual legacy on the subject of the multiplied value-positing powers of skilled labour, and undertakes a critical reconstruction of the history of the subsequent controversies over the so-called ‘skilled-labour problem’. Critical examination of the different Marxist responses to the objections put forward by critics shows that they … Read more

Caligaris, G. & Perez Trento, N. (2017). Capital y renta diferencial de tipo II: una revisión crítica de la historia de las interpretaciones marxistas. Economía Teoría y Práctica, 47, 217-248.

ABSTRACT This paper presents a critical reconstruction of the history of interpretations of the Marxist explanation of differential rent II. We show that, in contrast to how it is commonly portrayed, the current hegemonic interpretation within Marxist theory is far from immutable and incontrovertible. Alongside it, there exist at least two relevant interpretations, one of … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Pérez Trento, N. (2018). Propiedad de la tierra y acción política de la clase terrateniente argentina. Una crítica a la tesis del poder terrateniente [Landed property and political action of the Argentinean landlord class. A critique of the landlord power’s thesis]. Temas y Debates, 35, 71–92.

ABSTRACT It is a conventional claim in Argentine history analysis that the agrarian production is economically and politically dominated by large landlords who, on this basis, have the capacity to decisively determine the course of the national economy. This article critically examines the empirical basis and arguments underneath this conception. To this end, this article … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2018). The determination of the “historical and moral component” of the value of labour-power. Caderno CRH, 31(82), 135–150.

ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to challenge the prevailing Marxist interpretation of what Marx called the “historical and moral component” of the value of labour-power, and to offer an alternative reading which is consistent with the foundations of the critique of political economy. In order to do so, the first part of the … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018b). Revisiting the Miliband-Poulantzas debate: How to get to know the capitalist state? Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 18(2).

ABSTRACT Tis paper presents a critical analysis of the 1970ss famous debate between Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas around the capitalist state focusing on the method performed by both authors to address the problem. Te main argument is that the central problems in which both positions relapsed, as well as the fate of the debate, … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018). Revisiting the Marxist debate over the ‘breakdown’ of capitalism. A methodological critique. Izquierdas, 39, 182-208.

ABSTRACT This paper offers a critical reconstruction of the Marxist controversy over the ‘breakdown of capitalism’ developed between the last decades of the nineteenth century and the decade of 1930. In particular, it focuses on how each position in debate conceived the connection between capitalist economic development and the revolutionary action of the working class. … Read more