Iñigo, L. (2021). Las transformaciones de la escolaridad como formas concretas del movimiento de la materialidad de la producción de la vida social. Automatización de los procesos de trabajo y generalización de la lectura [The transformation of schooling as concrete form of the movement of the materiality of social life production]. Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad, 18(18), 1-31.

ABSTRACT: The article puts forward a set of arguments as grounds to approach two global tendencies that have been described by the ‘world society’ theory: the expansion of secondary education starting the second half of the 20th century, and the standardization of its curriculum with a preeminence of reading comprehension and, more generally, the ability … Read more

Rivas Castro, G., & Seiffer, T. (2021). Sobre el origen y desarrollo de la consciencia política del movimiento estudiantil universitario chileno. De su consciencia anarquista a su antiliberalismo. 1906-2012. [On the origin and development of the political consciousness of Chilean college students movement. From its anarchist consciousness to its antineoliberalism. 1906-2012]. Anuari del Conflicte Social, 12, 1-57

ABSTRACT: The Chilean student movement imposed itself as an important political actor. In 2011, it was a lead character in the most massive and sustained political strike since the end of the dictatorship, which repercussions continues until this date. In this paper, we will seek to explain the social necessity for the political action of … Read more

Hirsch, M., & Iñigo, L. (2005). La formación del sistema educativo argentino: ¿producción de fuerza de trabajo vs. producción de ciudadanos? Presented at 7o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT Presentamos aquí un apartado de nuestra investigación “Acumulación de capital y educación formal. Producción de atributos productivos en la fuerza de trabajo argentina entre 1880 y 1930”. En él postulamos que la producción misma de individuos con capacidad de autosujetarse es resultado de una forma peculiar de la división del trabajo. Se busca mostrar … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2013b). Ser social y producción de conciencia: Economistas para qué [Social being and conciousness production: on the economists]. Presentado en las II Jornadas de Pensamiento Crítico Latinoamericano/Seminario Internacional REDEM-SEPLA, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.

ABSTRACT The debates about the education of economists focus on the curriculum, particularly on its level of pluralism. However, the question about the social being of economics students, which determines their need to develop their scientific consciousness with a certain content, has been disregarded. Apparently, economics students are free individuals pursuing objective knowledge. Underlying this … Read more

Iñigo, L., & Río, V. (2017). Extensión de la escolaridad y obligatoriedad de la escuela secundaria en Argentina: el papel de la universalización de la lectura y escritura [Schooling Extension and Compulsory Secondary Education in Argentina: the role of the Universalization of Reading and Writing Abilities]. Universitas humanística, 83(83), 213-243.

ABSTRACT This article approaches the relation between extending compulsory schooling and the development of reading and writing abilities in Argentina. First, it examines the universalization of these abilities in the capitalist society, and then it analyzes recent transformations in labor processes that underlie the extension of the average schooling years. Finally, it focuses on the … Read more

Iñigo, L. (2011). Acumulación y relación capital-trabajo: La reproducción deficiente de la fuerza de trabajo [Accumulation and capital‐labour relation. Deficient labour force reproduction (Western Quilmes, 2001)]. (en colaboración con Salvia, S.) Trabajo y sociedad, (17), 95–104.

ABSTRACT From the mid-1970s and late 1990s, Argentina has undergone deep economic change, which can be described as a change in labour-capital relations of force. These changes boosted the development of the contradiction between working class productive abilities and the limitations to their realisation implied by capital accumulation process. This article aims at describing the … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2004), Trabajo Infantil y Capital. Imago Mundi

Iñigo Carrera, Juan Trabajo infantil y capital Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2008. ISBN: 978-950-793-078-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Prólogo – Capítulo 1. Las determinaciones materiales del trabajo y de los atributos productivos del trabajador – Capítulo 2. Análisis crítico de los estudios que se detienen en las manifestaciones inmediatas del trabajo infantil – Capítulo 3. Análisis … Read more

Hirsch, D., & Rio, V. (2015). Teorías de la reproducción y teorías de la resistencia: una revisión del debate pedagógico desde la perspectiva materialista [Theories of reproduction and resistance: a review of the educational debate from the materialist perspective]. Foro de Educación, 13(18), 69–91.


The question of whether school is a place for social transformation or not is a central issue to modern educational thought, particularly in the last decades of the twentieth century. «Theories of resistance» of the 80’s and 90’s aimed to show the transformative potential of schooling through the development of a critical pedagogy, in clear response to the so called «theories of reproduction», which in the 70›had denounced the role played by school in capitalism. This article aims to make a review of this discussion and, particularly, the antagonistic form in which it has been developed, from a materialist perspective. To that end, main classics of both group of theories will be analyzed identifying that, although they seem antagonist, they coincide on one central point: the belief that capitalist social relations are imposed externally to the subject, to a supposal free subjectivity. While «theories of reproduction» argue that such domination can only be faced through class struggle, which can only be given outside school, «theories of resistance» argue that struggle may be developedin the ideological sphere within schooling. The premise of this article is that such external imposition is an appearance product of the alienated character of our consciousness, and does not allow to analyze that social relations, far from being imposed to our free will, are developed by us to organize social work. To transcend these appearances, a process of recognition of the general determinations of education in capitalism will be developed, in order to enable us to overcome a binary logic between reproduction and transformation, and think social transformation as part of the process of social organization itself.

Keywords: Schooling; Capitalist society; Social change; Critical pedagogy; Materialism.