Iñigo, L., & Río, V. (2017). Extensión de la escolaridad y obligatoriedad de la escuela secundaria en Argentina: el papel de la universalización de la lectura y escritura [Schooling Extension and Compulsory Secondary Education in Argentina: the role of the Universalization of Reading and Writing Abilities]. Universitas humanística, 83(83), 213-243.

ABSTRACT This article approaches the relation between extending compulsory schooling and the development of reading and writing abilities in Argentina. First, it examines the universalization of these abilities in the capitalist society, and then it analyzes recent transformations in labor processes that underlie the extension of the average schooling years. Finally, it focuses on the … Read more

Iñigo, L. (2011). Acumulación y relación capital-trabajo: La reproducción deficiente de la fuerza de trabajo [Accumulation and capital‐labour relation. Deficient labour force reproduction (Western Quilmes, 2001)]. (en colaboración con Salvia, S.) Trabajo y sociedad, (17), 95–104.

ABSTRACT From the mid-1970s and late 1990s, Argentina has undergone deep economic change, which can be described as a change in labour-capital relations of force. These changes boosted the development of the contradiction between working class productive abilities and the limitations to their realisation implied by capital accumulation process. This article aims at describing the … Read more

Iñigo, L. (2012). La determinación del salario individual [The determination of the individual wage]. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 53-71). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

ABSTRACT This chapter presents the individual salary as a moment in the unity of social production and consumption and summarises its main determinations. On this ground, it showed that the relative political power of the working class is determined by the need of capital to reproduce entirely the productive attributes of the labour-power, in relation … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2012). Clases sociales, lucha de clases y Estado en el desarrollo de la crítica de la economía política [Social classes, class-struggle and state in the development of Marx´s critique of political economy]. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 72–91). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

ABSTRACT In this chapter, a critical and detailed reading chapter 10 of Marx´s Capital is presented. The main goal of this review is to expound the general explanation of social classes, class-struggle and state emerging from the development of Marx´s critique of political economy. Even it´s not specifically presented here, this reading opposes both to the … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2004), Trabajo Infantil y Capital. Imago Mundi

Iñigo Carrera, Juan Trabajo infantil y capital Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2008. ISBN: 978-950-793-078-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Prólogo – Capítulo 1. Las determinaciones materiales del trabajo y de los atributos productivos del trabajador – Capítulo 2. Análisis crítico de los estudios que se detienen en las manifestaciones inmediatas del trabajo infantil – Capítulo 3. Análisis … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2016). Trabajo complejo y producción de valor en la crítica de la economía política [Skilled labour and value production in the critique of political economy]. Revista de economía crítica, (22), 14–29.

ABSTRACT In this paper we offer a critical reconstruction of the debate regarding Marx´s solution to the problem of complex labour determination in value production, as well as present an alternative solution that aims to be consistent with the foundations of Marx´s critique of political economy. The main argument is that, in the first place, differences … Read more

Starosta, G., & Caligaris, G. (2016). The Commodity Nature of Labor-Power. Science & Society, 80(3), 319–345.

ABSTRACT Some recent Marxist contributions, among them the so-called New Solution to the “transformation problem,” call into question the idea of labor-power as a fully-fledged commodity. Yet, the rejection of the commodity nature of labor-power compromises Marx’s whole explanation of the origin of surplus-value on the basis of the exchange of equivalents. It can be … Read more

Cazón, F., Kennedy, D., & Lastra, F. (2016). Las condiciones de reproducción de fuerza de trabajo como forma de la especificidad de la acumulación de capital en Argentina: evidencias concretas desde mediados de los ’70 [Reproduction conditions of labour power as form of the specificity of capital accumulation in Argentina: concrete evidences since the 1970´s]. Trabajo y sociedad, (27), 305–327.

ABSTRACT This article is framed in the debate regarding the relationship between the differentiation of labor power’s conditions of reproduction and the characteristics of the productive structure in Latin America. We analyze the evolution of this relationship in Argentina, by recognizing the specificity of this country in the global capital accumulation. Firstly, we describe the form in which the … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2016a). La historia de la controversia marxista sobre la determinación del trabajo complejo en la producción de valor [The history of Marxist controversy over the determination of complex labour in the production of value]. Critica Marxista, (43), 45–65.

ABSTRACT The solution provided by Marx to the question of ‘complex work’ in the explanation of the commodities’ value has been the subject of much controversy. However, almost a century and a half of debate, neither Marxists nor critics of Marx have managed to agree on its meaning and, even worse, among Marxists there is … Read more