Steimberg, R. (2021). El debate sobre la derivación: Estado y formas jurídicas [State derivation debate: the State and legal forms]. Las Torres de Lucca: revista internacional de filosofía política, 10(19), 117-128.

ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the link between State, capital and legal forms. In the first place, it recovers one of the aspects of the Marxist theory of the State, which is addressed in the derivation debate. Secondly, and based on this theory, we move on into Pashukanis’ theory of the link between commodity and legal … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2020). El reconocimiento de la enajenación en el capital como acción política [The recognition of alienation in capital as political action]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 251-259). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.

ABSTRACT: Interview conducted by Economics students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economic Studies Curriculum, Marx’s Capital, Political action DOWNLOAD

Hirsch, M. (2020) Determinación y tendencia del valor de la fuerza de trabajo en la crítica de la economía política. Red Sociales [The determination and trend of labour power in the critique of political economy]. Revista del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 07 (06), 32-49.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines Marxist discussions on how the value of labor power and its trend are determined. Unlike the most resonant approaches, which explain this determination by class struggle, it is argued that value of labor power is given by the corresponding value of the commodities that each worker needs to consume so … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2020). La obra de Marx como posibilidad de autoconocimiento como sujeto político. [Marx’s work as the possibility of self-knowledge in terms of political subject]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 213-227). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa

ABSTRACT: Interview to Juan Iñigo Carrera, conducted by Economics students from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economics curriculum; Marx’s Capital; Alienation; Political action DOWNLOAD PDF 

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2019c). Crítica de la economía política, sujeto histórico y destrucción del capital [Critique of political economy, historical subject and capital destruction]. En O. Martínez (Ed.), Karl Marx desde América Latina. Dialéctica, política y teoría del valor (pp. 443-463). Lima, Perú: Ande / GISLAT.

KEYWORDS: Marx; Critique of political economy; Historical subject; Conciousness. DOWNLOAD PDF

Starosta, G. (2017b). Fetishism and Revolution in the Critique of Political Economy: Critical Reflections on some Contemporary Readings of Marx’s Capital. Continental Thought and Theory, 1 (4), 365-398

ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to examine a series of recent contributions to the reading of Marx’s Capital that stress its specific determination as a dialectical investigation of objectified or fetishised forms of social mediation in capitalist society: on the one hand, the so-called Neue Marx-Lektüre originated in Germany towards the end of … Read more

Starosta, G. (2017a). Fetichismo y revolución en la teoría marxista contemporánea: una evaluación crítica de la Neue Marx-Lektüre y el Marxismo Abierto en clave metodológica. [Fetishism and Revolution in contemporary Marxist theory: a critical methodological assessment of the Neue Marx-Lektüre and Open Marxism]. Izquierdas, 23, 162-190

ABSTRACT This article examines a series of recent contributions to the reading of Capital that stress its determination as a dialectical investigation of fetishised forms of social mediation in capitalist society. Specifically, the article focuses on the Neue Marx-Lektüre and Open Marxism. The article argues that the limits of these perspectives become apparent when it comes to uncover the … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018b). Revisiting the Miliband-Poulantzas debate: How to get to know the capitalist state? Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 18(2).

ABSTRACT Tis paper presents a critical analysis of the 1970ss famous debate between Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas around the capitalist state focusing on the method performed by both authors to address the problem. Te main argument is that the central problems in which both positions relapsed, as well as the fate of the debate, … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2018). Revisiting the Marxist debate over the ‘breakdown’ of capitalism. A methodological critique. Izquierdas, 39, 182-208.

ABSTRACT This paper offers a critical reconstruction of the Marxist controversy over the ‘breakdown of capitalism’ developed between the last decades of the nineteenth century and the decade of 1930. In particular, it focuses on how each position in debate conceived the connection between capitalist economic development and the revolutionary action of the working class. … Read more