Guevara, S. (2012b). Trabajadores de la industria terminal automotriz del MERCOSUR: acciones ante la nueva etapa de la crisis de superproducción mundial del capital [Workers in the MERCOSUR automotive finishing industry: actions in the light of the new stage in the worldwide capital superproduction crisis]. Espacio abierto. Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, 21(1), 5-35.

ABSTRACT The work presented herein analyses the impact that the current global crisis is having on workers in the MERCOSUR auto industry and on the sector in general. The study will systematise and analyse information generated by business and union organisations on the effect of the crisis in terms of production, sales and employment and … Read more

Guevara, S. (2012a). Reactivación de la movilización obrera en la industria terminal automotriz (2004-2011): Recuperación parcial del salario con persistencia en la flexibilización laboral [Reactivation of labour movilization in the automotive industry (2004-2011) Partial recovery of wages with labur flexibility persistance]. Trabajo y sociedad, (19), 525–539.

ABSTRACT Since 2004 the power of the workers union of automakers in Argentina grew in visibility. Through collective bargaining, but also increasing of, assemblies in workplaces, public demonstrations, protests and strikes, the revival of labour conflicts led by the workers was giving way to restrain the downward trend experienced both employment had as wages in the sector. However, … Read more

Guevara, S. (2016). Integración automotriz en el Mercosur y sobreexplotación obrera: formas y contenido [Locomotive integration in MERCOSUR and workers overexplotation: forms and content]. Cadernos Cemarx, (8), 65-84.

ABSTRACT This work aims to analyze the role played by the process of productive restructuring in the MERCOSUR automotive sector, produced since the early years of the 1990s, in its development, especially in the growth cycle opened from early 2000s. In this paper we consider: the time of national processes Argentina and Brazil where it … Read more

Guevara, S. (2014). Conflictos en la industria automotriz: expresiones del límite con el que choca la acumulación de capital en la Argentina [Conflicts in the automotive industry: samples of capital accumulation limits in Argentina]. Razón y Revolución, (28), 77-97.

ABSTRACT The labor conflicts of 2014 is highlighting the impact of the Argentine capital accumulation process against its specified limit. Insufficient land rent and the impossibility of having the external debt as a compensation mechanism for the recovery of capital operating in Argentina, are turning all the pressure towards greater falling wages below the value … Read more

Guevara, S. (2015). Los efectos de la política represiva de la dictadura militar sobre la acción obrera: un análisis de los conflictos en Mercedes Benz entre 1973 y 1983 [The effects of the repressive policies of the military dictatorship over the workers action: an analysis of the conflicts in Mercedes Benz between 1973 and 1983]. (en colaboración con Harari, I.) el@tina. Revista electrónica de estudios latinoamericanos, 13(50), 1-13

ABSTRACT The article analyzes the union action taken by the workers of the automaker Mercedes Benz between 1973 and 1983. From the reconstruction of the conflicts led by the workers and the actions of repression made by the company and the State, we debate the nature of the working action under the dictatorship (continuity or … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2016a). Proceso de trabajo e internacionalización del capital: determinantes globales del “atraso” tecnológico de la industria automotriz argentina en las décadas de 1950 y 1960 [Labour process and internationalization of capital: global determinants of technolgical “backwardness” in the Argentine automotive industry in the 1950s and 1960s]. Trabajo y Sociedad, (26), 225–240.

ABSTRACT This article explores the hypothesis that the low technological level of the Argentine automotive  industry (and other South American cases) emerged from the global dynamics of capital accumulation, challenging the institutional approach that favors ‘internal’ factors. Following a particular reading of the Marxian critique of political economy, it is argued that the ‘automation’ of the labor process … Read more