Levín, S. (2019) ¿Ha finalizado la fase húmeda de los ciclos de lluvia en la región pampeana? [Has the wet phase of the rain cycles in the Pampas region ended?] Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT El presente trabajo intenta contestar la pregunta de su título y para ello se hizo una actualización de otro realizado por el autor en 2011 “Fluctuaciones cíclicas de las precipitaciones en la Región Pampeana”. Se actualizó las series mensuales de precipitaciones de 32 estaciones meteorológicas hasta mayo de 2018. A partir de allí se … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. y Guevara, S. (2019). Argentina en la industria automotriz global: una discusión acerca de la comparación internacional de la productividad del trabajo [Argentina in the global automotive industry: a discussion about the international comparison of labor productivity]. Cuadernos de Economía Crítica 10(5), 43-70

ABSTRACT In a recent issue in this journal, Pinazo, Córdoba and Dinerstein (2017) raised a discussion about the forms of development of the automotive industry in Argentina. These authors portray an image of an automotive industry with globally standardized products and export-oriented dynamics, explained by high levels of labor productivity and low labor costs. In contrast, from … Read more

Pérez Trento, N. (2019a). Dos décadas de conflicto en torno al uso propio de semillas de soja genéticamente modificada en Argentina: fases del enfrentamiento, acumulación de capital y actores sociales (1996-2018) [Two decades of conflict over seed saving of genetically modified soybeans in Argentina: conflict phases, capital accumulation, and social actors (1996-2018)]. Mundo Agrario, 43(20), pp. 1-21

ABSTRACT In this paper we aim to analyze the content of the conflict that arose in Argentina over genetically modified soybeans, which involved a multiplicity of social actors. In fact, although the claim for the payment of royalties was led by Monsanto, the breeders made the same demands, allying with the firm. These pretensions would … Read more

Seiffer, T., & Rivas Castro, G. (2017). La política social como forma de reproducción de la especificidad histórica de la acumulación de capital en Argentina (2003-2016) [The social policy as form of the historical specificity of capital accumulation reproduction in Argentina (2003-2016)]. Estudios del trabajo, (54), 91–117.

ABSTRACT The period of Kirchnerist governments (2003-2015) meant record growth in terms of spending on social policies. It was presented as one of the evidences of a change in the relationship between market and state. Macri’s government (2015-present), with its policy of adjustment, appears as its counterpart. The common explanatory element in the analyses lies … Read more

Perez Trento, N. (2017). El paro agrario de 2008 y la especificidad de la acumulación de capital en la Argentina. Revista de Economía Crítica, 23, 43-59

ABSTRACT One of the most significant agrarian conflicts in Argentina unleashed in May 2008. In brief, the confronting subjects gathered into two groups, leaded by the agrarian organizations, on one hand, and the national administration, on the other. This paper analyzes the economical determinations borne in the political actions performed by these social actors in … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2023). Prices, productivity, and agricultural ground rent: neither ‘deteriorated terms of trade’ nor ‘unequal exchange’ . Documento de Investigación del Centro para la Investigación como Crítica Práctica, Buenos Aires.

ABSTRACT Dependency and underdevelopment theories present the deterioration of the terms of trade as proof of their conceptions. They explicitly exclude a higher increase of labor productivity in the agricultural sector vis-à-vis the industrial one as a cause for this deterioration. The article measures this relative evolution for 1910-2009 based on the USA, which is … Read more

Fitzsimons, A., & Guevara, S. (2018). The Argentine automotive industry and its sources of profit: a long-term analysis (1960-2013). América Latina en la Historia Económica, 25(1), 239-274.

ABSTRACT This paper studies the historical development of the automotive industry in Argentina from 1960 to 2013. The main argument is that multinational companies operating locally had an specific or distinctive way of capital valorisation, vis à vis other national cases. This specificity was essentially the appropriation of agrarian ground rent by the automotive industrial … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Pérez Trento, N. (2018). Propiedad de la tierra y acción política de la clase terrateniente argentina. Una crítica a la tesis del poder terrateniente [Landed property and political action of the Argentinean landlord class. A critique of the landlord power’s thesis]. Temas y Debates, 35, 71–92.

ABSTRACT It is a conventional claim in Argentine history analysis that the agrarian production is economically and politically dominated by large landlords who, on this basis, have the capacity to decisively determine the course of the national economy. This article critically examines the empirical basis and arguments underneath this conception. To this end, this article … Read more

Kornblihtt, J., Seiffer, T., Mussi, E. (2016). Las alternativas al Neoliberalismo como forma de reproducir la particularidad del capital en América del Sur [Alternatives to neoliberalism as a form of reproducing capital specificity in South America]. Pensamiento al margen, 4, 104-135

ABSTRACT South America’s particularity is its role played to capital in its valorisation at a normal rate of profit despite having a low productivity as the way of recovering the ground rent pay to landowners when buying commodities. The article analyses how this specify has been transformed during post-WWII years by passing from industrialisation policies … Read more

Guevara, S. (2017). Lucha de clases y acumulación de capital en Argentina 1973-1983: discusiones a partir de los estudios sobre la acción política obrera [Class struggle and capital accumulation in Argentina 1973-1983: discussions based on studies of political labor action]. Izquierdas, 33, 69-89.

ABSTRACT The class struggle in Argentina from 1973 to 1983 passed from a process of increasing and complex political mobilization to its quasi-complete paralysis through the state’s terrorist repression. This contrasting course followed by the class struggle has been the object of numerous studies that try to advance in their explanation. In this paper, some … Read more