Charnock, Greig & Starosta, Guido (2016), The New International Division of Labour. Palgrave Macmillan

Charnock, Greig y Starosta, Guido The New International Division of Labour: Global Transformation and Uneven Development Palgrave, London, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-137-53872-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Charnock, Greig & Starosta, Guido – Introduction: The New International Division of Labour and the Critique of Political Economy Today – Iñigo Carrera, Juan – The General Rate of Profit … Read more

Caligaris, G. y Fitzsimons, A. (2012), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx, FCE, UBA.

Caligaris, Gastón y Fitzsimons, Alejandro Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2012. ISBN:  978-950-29-1360-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Prólogo – Juan Iñigo Carrera – Acerca del carácter de la relación base … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2012b). Relaciones mercantiles y conciencia: una discusión a partir de los desarrollos de Marx sobre el fetichismo [Commodity relations and consciousness: a discussion based on Marx’s developments on fetishism]. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 20–52). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

ABSTRACT Marx´s exposition on the determination of consciousness regarding the general social relation of capitalist society in its simple form, the commodity form, is examined in this chapter. Through a detailed analysis of the commodity fetishism section, the unity between commodity as a social relation and the consciousness form of private producers is examined and … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2012a). Producción, relaciones sociales y valor: una crítica a la teoría del patrón de acumulación basado en la valorización financiera [Production, social relations and value: a critique to the theory of accumulation model based in financial valorization]. Revista Razón y Revolución, (24), 85–103.

ABSTRACT The article presents a critique of the concept of “financial valorization” which supports an important current of critical approaches to the path followed by the process of capital accumulation in Argentina between 1976 and 2001. Focusing on Eduardo Basualdo’s work, the article addresses the question about the source of the financial valorization and shows … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2016b). ¿Qué es el “fetichismo de la mercancía”? Un análisis textual de la sección cuarta del capítulo primero de El Capital de Marx [What´s “commodity fetischism”? A textual analysis of the fourth section of the first chapter of Marx´s Capital]. Revista de economía crítica, (21), 43–58.

ABSTRACT This article offers a detailed comment on the fourth section of the first chapter of Marx’s Capital, in order to determine and specify what exactly is the so-called “commodity fetishism”. It is shown that in that section Marx is not dealing mainly with the misunderstanding of the commodity–form nor with the “reification” of social … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2015). Las Determinaciones Económicas De Los “Contratos Petroleros” En Argentina (1958-1963) [The economic determinations of the “oil contracts” in Argentina (1958- 1963)]. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 15(2), 187–202

ABSTRACT This article examines the oil production contracts in Argentina between 1958 and 1963. It investigates the material conditions of production, the forms of capital valorisation and the relationship between the oil sector and the rest of the economy. Based on some overlooked statistical sources, it shows that contractual production involved extraordinary profits steaming from … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2016a). Proceso de trabajo e internacionalización del capital: determinantes globales del “atraso” tecnológico de la industria automotriz argentina en las décadas de 1950 y 1960 [Labour process and internationalization of capital: global determinants of technolgical “backwardness” in the Argentine automotive industry in the 1950s and 1960s]. Trabajo y Sociedad, (26), 225–240.

ABSTRACT This article explores the hypothesis that the low technological level of the Argentine automotive  industry (and other South American cases) emerged from the global dynamics of capital accumulation, challenging the institutional approach that favors ‘internal’ factors. Following a particular reading of the Marxian critique of political economy, it is argued that the ‘automation’ of the labor process … Read more

Fitzsimons, A., & Starosta, G. (2018). Global capital, uneven development and national difference: Critical reflections on the specificity of accumulation in Latin America. Capital & Class, 42(1), 109-132.

ABSTRACT A recent Special Issue in this journal devoted its pages to discuss the varied forms of capitalist development in different countries and regions across the globe. Specifically, the contributions offered a critical assessment of the hegemonic ‘neo-institutionalist’ approach to the study of national diversity of capitalism, with particular focus on the ‘varieties of capitalism’ … Read more