Fitzsimons, A. (2020). Fases del desarrollo de la industria automotriz argentina: Determinantes globales y especificidad nacional (1914-2017) [Phases in the development of Argentinean automotive industry: global determinants and national specificity (1914-2017)]. En G. A. Pinto, S. Guevara, & A. Arteaga García (Eds.), La industria automotriz en América Latina: Estudios de las relaciones entre trabajo, tecnología y desarrollo socioeconómico (pp. 57-80). Editora UTFPR / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
ABSTRACT The chapter depicts the evolution of Argentinean automotive industry in order to: identify the various phases of its development, present its functioning mode in each of them and expose the determinants of the transitions from each phase to the one that followed. The resulting periodization distinguishes three phases. The first one goes from 1914 … Read more