Fitzsimons, A. (2020). Fases del desarrollo de la industria automotriz argentina: Determinantes globales y especificidad nacional (1914-2017) [Phases in the development of Argentinean automotive industry: global determinants and national specificity (1914-2017)]. En G. A. Pinto, S. Guevara, & A. Arteaga García (Eds.), La industria automotriz en América Latina: Estudios de las relaciones entre trabajo, tecnología y desarrollo socioeconómico (pp. 57-80). Editora UTFPR / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

ABSTRACT The chapter depicts the evolution of Argentinean automotive industry in order to: identify the various phases of its development, present its functioning mode in each of them and expose the determinants of the transitions from each phase to the one that followed. The resulting periodization distinguishes three phases. The first one goes from 1914 … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. y Starosta, G. (2019) ¿Una mercancía “como cualquier otra”? Reexaminando la determinación del valor de la fuerza de trabajo [A commodity “like all other commodities”? Re-examining the determination of the value of labour power]. Economia e Sociedade 28 (3), p. 665-687.

ABSTRACT This article addresses the process of production of labour power with a view to re-examining Marx’s stance on the determination of the value of this ‘peculiar commodity’. In order to do so, the article critically reviews the main contributions which have called into question the Marxian analysis. It also offers an alternative argument that … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. y Guevara, S. (2019). Argentina en la industria automotriz global: una discusión acerca de la comparación internacional de la productividad del trabajo [Argentina in the global automotive industry: a discussion about the international comparison of labor productivity]. Cuadernos de Economía Crítica 10(5), 43-70

ABSTRACT In a recent issue in this journal, Pinazo, Córdoba and Dinerstein (2017) raised a discussion about the forms of development of the automotive industry in Argentina. These authors portray an image of an automotive industry with globally standardized products and export-oriented dynamics, explained by high levels of labor productivity and low labor costs. In contrast, from … Read more

Starosta, G., & Fitzsimons, A. (2018). Rethinking the determination of the value of labor power. Review of Radical Political Economics, 50(1), 99–115.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines the received wisdom on the value of labor power that posits the workers’ material reproduction and the class struggle as two independent factors that determine the bundle of wage-goods consumed by the working class. It shows that this reading has no solid textual basis on Marx’s writings. Furthermore, it argues … Read more

Fitzsimons, A., & Guevara, S. (2018). The Argentine automotive industry and its sources of profit: a long-term analysis (1960-2013). América Latina en la Historia Económica, 25(1), 239-274.

ABSTRACT This paper studies the historical development of the automotive industry in Argentina from 1960 to 2013. The main argument is that multinational companies operating locally had an specific or distinctive way of capital valorisation, vis à vis other national cases. This specificity was essentially the appropriation of agrarian ground rent by the automotive industrial … Read more