Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2014). Which “Rational Kernel”? Which “Mystical Shell”? A Contribution to the Debate on the Connection between Hegel’s Logic and Marx’s Capital. En T. Smith & F. Moseley (Eds.), Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic. A Reexamination (pp. 89–112). Leiden: Brill.

ABSTRACT The chapter argues that in the Logic Hegel managed to discover the simplest form of existence of the real: the movement of affirmation through self-negation. As a consequence, he correctly presents the method of science as the systematic unfolding of the immanent life of the subject-matter. However, in so far as Hegel´s systematic dialectic … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2014b). Dialectics on Its Feet, or the Form of the Consciousness of the Working Class as Historical Subject. En T. Smith (Ed.), Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic (pp. 64–88). Leiden: Brill

ABSTRACT Juan Iñigo Carrera’s chapter (‘Dialectics on its Feet, or the Form of the Consciousness of the Working Class as Historical Subject’) argues that the need to place dialectics on its feet is not a matter of adapting Hegel’s logic to a materialist point of view, but is instead the necessity of transcending the historical … Read more

Guevara, S. (2014). Conflictos en la industria automotriz: expresiones del límite con el que choca la acumulación de capital en la Argentina [Conflicts in the automotive industry: samples of capital accumulation limits in Argentina]. Razón y Revolución, (28), 77-97.

ABSTRACT The labor conflicts of 2014 is highlighting the impact of the Argentine capital accumulation process against its specified limit. Insufficient land rent and the impossibility of having the external debt as a compensation mechanism for the recovery of capital operating in Argentina, are turning all the pressure towards greater falling wages below the value … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2014a). The Historical Determination of the Capitalist Mode of Production and of the Working Class as the Revolutionary Subject. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 42(4), 555–572

ABSTRACT Prominent Marxist theoreticians conceive the working class as a revolutionary subject based on moral or ethical superiority, a natural will for freedom, self-valorization, the need to avoid barbarism, etc. From a materialist viewpoint, human history consists of the transformation of the material conditions of social life through labor. Capitalism is the historically specific development … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2015). On the Brazilian ground-rent appropriated by landowners. Revista de Economia Politica, 35(4), 799–824.

ABSTRACT This paper presents a measurement of the portion of the Brazilian ground rent appropriated by agrarian landowners during 1955-2005 and assesses its importance relative to other forms of surplus value appropriated in the Brazilian economy. In pursuing this task, the paper also puts forward original estimations of several time-series that are crucial for the … Read more

Guevara, S. (2015). Los efectos de la política represiva de la dictadura militar sobre la acción obrera: un análisis de los conflictos en Mercedes Benz entre 1973 y 1983 [The effects of the repressive policies of the military dictatorship over the workers action: an analysis of the conflicts in Mercedes Benz between 1973 and 1983]. (en colaboración con Harari, I.) el@tina. Revista electrónica de estudios latinoamericanos, 13(50), 1-13

ABSTRACT The article analyzes the union action taken by the workers of the automaker Mercedes Benz between 1973 and 1983. From the reconstruction of the conflicts led by the workers and the actions of repression made by the company and the State, we debate the nature of the working action under the dictatorship (continuity or … Read more

Grinberg, N., & Starosta, G. (2015). From global capital accumulation to varieties of centre-leftism in South America. En S. Spronk & J. R. Webber (Eds.), Crisis and Contradiction: Marxist Perspectives on Latin American in the Global Economy (pp. 236–272). Leiden: Brill

ABSTRACT In the last decade there has been a broad shift to the left in South America. However, different types of political economy regimes can be discerned within this general common trend. There is currently a relatively widespread consensus that two different varieties of centre-left administrations are in office in the region. Mainstream analyses distinguish … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2015). Las Determinaciones Económicas De Los “Contratos Petroleros” En Argentina (1958-1963) [The economic determinations of the “oil contracts” in Argentina (1958- 1963)]. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 15(2), 187–202

ABSTRACT This article examines the oil production contracts in Argentina between 1958 and 1963. It investigates the material conditions of production, the forms of capital valorisation and the relationship between the oil sector and the rest of the economy. Based on some overlooked statistical sources, it shows that contractual production involved extraordinary profits steaming from … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2016a). Proceso de trabajo e internacionalización del capital: determinantes globales del “atraso” tecnológico de la industria automotriz argentina en las décadas de 1950 y 1960 [Labour process and internationalization of capital: global determinants of technolgical “backwardness” in the Argentine automotive industry in the 1950s and 1960s]. Trabajo y Sociedad, (26), 225–240.

ABSTRACT This article explores the hypothesis that the low technological level of the Argentine automotive  industry (and other South American cases) emerged from the global dynamics of capital accumulation, challenging the institutional approach that favors ‘internal’ factors. Following a particular reading of the Marxian critique of political economy, it is argued that the ‘automation’ of the labor process … Read more

Cazón, F., Kennedy, D., & Lastra, F. (2016). Las condiciones de reproducción de fuerza de trabajo como forma de la especificidad de la acumulación de capital en Argentina: evidencias concretas desde mediados de los ’70 [Reproduction conditions of labour power as form of the specificity of capital accumulation in Argentina: concrete evidences since the 1970´s]. Trabajo y sociedad, (27), 305–327.

ABSTRACT This article is framed in the debate regarding the relationship between the differentiation of labor power’s conditions of reproduction and the characteristics of the productive structure in Latin America. We analyze the evolution of this relationship in Argentina, by recognizing the specificity of this country in the global capital accumulation. Firstly, we describe the form in which the … Read more