Iñigo Carrera, J. (2004), Trabajo Infantil y Capital. Imago Mundi

Iñigo Carrera, Juan Trabajo infantil y capital Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2008. ISBN: 978-950-793-078-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Prólogo – Capítulo 1. Las determinaciones materiales del trabajo y de los atributos productivos del trabajador – Capítulo 2. Análisis crítico de los estudios que se detienen en las manifestaciones inmediatas del trabajo infantil – Capítulo 3. Análisis … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2016). Trabajo complejo y producción de valor en la crítica de la economía política [Skilled labour and value production in the critique of political economy]. Revista de economía crítica, (22), 14–29.

ABSTRACT In this paper we offer a critical reconstruction of the debate regarding Marx´s solution to the problem of complex labour determination in value production, as well as present an alternative solution that aims to be consistent with the foundations of Marx´s critique of political economy. The main argument is that, in the first place, differences … Read more

Guevara, S. (2016). Integración automotriz en el Mercosur y sobreexplotación obrera: formas y contenido [Locomotive integration in MERCOSUR and workers overexplotation: forms and content]. Cadernos Cemarx, (8), 65-84.

ABSTRACT This work aims to analyze the role played by the process of productive restructuring in the MERCOSUR automotive sector, produced since the early years of the 1990s, in its development, especially in the growth cycle opened from early 2000s. In this paper we consider: the time of national processes Argentina and Brazil where it … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2016b). ¿Qué es el “fetichismo de la mercancía”? Un análisis textual de la sección cuarta del capítulo primero de El Capital de Marx [What´s “commodity fetischism”? A textual analysis of the fourth section of the first chapter of Marx´s Capital]. Revista de economía crítica, (21), 43–58.

ABSTRACT This article offers a detailed comment on the fourth section of the first chapter of Marx’s Capital, in order to determine and specify what exactly is the so-called “commodity fetishism”. It is shown that in that section Marx is not dealing mainly with the misunderstanding of the commodity–form nor with the “reification” of social … Read more

Caligaris, G., & Starosta, G. (2015). La crítica marxiana de la dialéctica hegeliana. De la reproducción ideal de un proceso ideal a la reproducción ideal de un proceso real [The marxian critique of the hegelian dialectic. From the ideal reproduction of an ideal process to the ideal reproduction of a real process]. Praxis Filosófica, (41), 81–112


This article examines the connection between Hegel’s and Marx’s respective dialectical methods in the light of the recent Marxist debates on the subject matter. It argues that the development of the Marxian critique of political economy cannot uncritically appropriate the content or the form of Hegel’s dialectical method. More specifically, the article submits that there is a “rational kernel” in Hegel’s work, which can be found in his discovery of self-movement as the simplest form taken by the real. However, insofar as he takes a pure thought-form as point of departure, which, moreover, results from an act of absolute abstraction, the aforementioned “rational kernel” becomes expounded under a “mystical shell”. As a consequence, his dialectic remains external to the movement of the real concrete.

KEYWORDS: Dialectical method; Materialism; Idealism; Logic; Capital


Grinberg, N. (2016a). From Populist Developmentalism to Liberal Neodevelopmentalism: The Specificity and Historical Development of Brazilian Capital Accumulation. Critical Historical Studies, 3(1), 65–104.

ABSTRACT This article analyzes the trajectory of Brazilian society between the time of populist developmentalism and the emergence of neodevelopmentalism. Challenging mainstream accounts, it argues that the various policy regimes consolidating throughout the period have been forms of realization of the autonomously regulated process of capital accumulation on a global scale. More concretely, it is … Read more

Starosta, G., & Caligaris, G. (2016). The Commodity Nature of Labor-Power. Science & Society, 80(3), 319–345.

ABSTRACT Some recent Marxist contributions, among them the so-called New Solution to the “transformation problem,” call into question the idea of labor-power as a fully-fledged commodity. Yet, the rejection of the commodity nature of labor-power compromises Marx’s whole explanation of the origin of surplus-value on the basis of the exchange of equivalents. It can be … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2011a). De la crisis al apogeo de la representación: subjetividad política y acumulación de capital en Argentina. Ciencias Sociales, (79), 50–56

ABSTRACT Del “que se vayan todos” a la Presidenta a ser reelecta con más del 50% de los votos media, sin duda, un cambio marcado respecto de las formas políticas que toma la acumulación de capital en Argentina. Pero, al mismo tiempo, ambas expresiones políticas no son sino dos momentos portadores de la unidad de … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2012b). El capital: determinación económica y subjetividad política [Capital: economical determination and political subjectivity]. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana de Política, Filosofía y Derecho, (34), 51–69.

ABSTRACT Marx synthesises the relationship between the economic base and the political and juridical superstructure stating that the latter emerges from the former. The point is, then, to unfold the concrete form taken by this determination and, consequently, that of the determination of the consciousness with which free individuals govern their actions as organs of … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2014). From Miracle to Crisis and Back: The Political Economy of South Korean Long-Term Development. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 44(4), 711–734.

ABSTRACT This article analyses the process of economic development and associated political transformations in South Korea since the mid-1960s. It claims that, as in the rest of East Asia, capital accumulation in South Korea has revolved around the production of specific industrial goods for world markets using the relatively cheap and highly disciplined local workforce … Read more