Fitzsimons, A. (2012b). Relaciones mercantiles y conciencia: una discusión a partir de los desarrollos de Marx sobre el fetichismo [Commodity relations and consciousness: a discussion based on Marx’s developments on fetishism]. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 20–52). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

ABSTRACT Marx´s exposition on the determination of consciousness regarding the general social relation of capitalist society in its simple form, the commodity form, is examined in this chapter. Through a detailed analysis of the commodity fetishism section, the unity between commodity as a social relation and the consciousness form of private producers is examined and … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2012a). Producción, relaciones sociales y valor: una crítica a la teoría del patrón de acumulación basado en la valorización financiera [Production, social relations and value: a critique to the theory of accumulation model based in financial valorization]. Revista Razón y Revolución, (24), 85–103.

ABSTRACT The article presents a critique of the concept of “financial valorization” which supports an important current of critical approaches to the path followed by the process of capital accumulation in Argentina between 1976 and 2001. Focusing on Eduardo Basualdo’s work, the article addresses the question about the source of the financial valorization and shows … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2012). Clases sociales, lucha de clases y Estado en el desarrollo de la crítica de la economía política [Social classes, class-struggle and state in the development of Marx´s critique of political economy]. En G. Caligaris & A. Fitzsimons (Eds.), Relaciones económicas y políticas. Aportes para el estudio de su unidad con base en la obra de Karl Marx (pp. 72–91). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

ABSTRACT In this chapter, a critical and detailed reading chapter 10 of Marx´s Capital is presented. The main goal of this review is to expound the general explanation of social classes, class-struggle and state emerging from the development of Marx´s critique of political economy. Even it´s not specifically presented here, this reading opposes both to the … Read more

Guevara, S. (2012c). La lucha de clases en la industria automotriz del MERCOSUR y la reproducción de la acumulación de capital regional [Class struggle in MERCOSUR automotive industry and reproduction of regional capital accumulation]. Razón y Revolución, (23), 141-155

ABSTRACT In this paper, the author assumes the class struggle as the way developed by capitalist social relation through which the process of capital accumulation is played normally because through it resolves the sale value of the labor-power. This paper presents a synthetic development of this determination of the class struggle to analyse a particular … Read more

Guevara, S. (2012b). Trabajadores de la industria terminal automotriz del MERCOSUR: acciones ante la nueva etapa de la crisis de superproducción mundial del capital [Workers in the MERCOSUR automotive finishing industry: actions in the light of the new stage in the worldwide capital superproduction crisis]. Espacio abierto. Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, 21(1), 5-35.

ABSTRACT The work presented herein analyses the impact that the current global crisis is having on workers in the MERCOSUR auto industry and on the sector in general. The study will systematise and analyse information generated by business and union organisations on the effect of the crisis in terms of production, sales and employment and … Read more

Guevara, S. (2012a). Reactivación de la movilización obrera en la industria terminal automotriz (2004-2011): Recuperación parcial del salario con persistencia en la flexibilización laboral [Reactivation of labour movilization in the automotive industry (2004-2011) Partial recovery of wages with labur flexibility persistance]. Trabajo y sociedad, (19), 525–539.

ABSTRACT Since 2004 the power of the workers union of automakers in Argentina grew in visibility. Through collective bargaining, but also increasing of, assemblies in workplaces, public demonstrations, protests and strikes, the revival of labour conflicts led by the workers was giving way to restrain the downward trend experienced both employment had as wages in the sector. However, … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2013b). The political economy of Brazilian (Latin American) and Korean (East Asian) comparative development: moving beyond nation-centred approaches. New Political Economy, 18(2), 171–197.

ABSTRACT The article argues that in order to grasp fully Brazilian and Korean post-WWII developmental and growth experiences, it is first necessary to account for global-economy dynamics and the transformations in the International Division of Labour. These, together with local factors that particularly affect the objective conditions for the valorisation of capital in different productive sectors, explain the specific characteristics … Read more

Grinberg, N. (2016c). Global Commodity Chains and the Production of Surplus-value on a Global Scale: Bringing Back the New International Division of Labor Theory. Journal of World-Systems Research, 22(1), 247-278.

ABSTRACT This paper offers a critique of mainstream and critical versions of Global Commodity Chain analysis of post 1960s global economy transformations claiming that they suffer from different types of methodological nationalism. After arguing that the key to overcoming their intrinsic problems is to be found in the critical revision of Fröbel, Heinrichs and Kreye’s New International Division of … Read more

Starosta, Guido (2015), Marx’s Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity. Brill.

Starosta, Guido Marx’s Capital, Method y Revolutionary Subjectivity Brill, Leiden, 2015. ISBN: 978-90-04-30647-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Acknowledgements – Introduction: On the Current State of Revolutionary Theory – Part I. Marx’s Early Critique of Political Economy: The Discovery of the Revolutionary Subject and the Development of Science as Practical Criticism 1. The Dialectic of Alienated … Read more

Iñigo Carrera, J. (2007b), La formación económica de la sociedad argentina. Imago Mundi.

Iñigo Carrera, Juan La formación económica de la sociedad argentina. Volumen 1: Renta agraria, ganancia industrial y deuda externa. 1882-2004 Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2007. ISBN: 978-950-793-056-0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Capítulo 1. En torno a la apropiación de la renta de la tierra Capítulo 2. La renta de la tierra agraria Capítulo 3. Cursos de apropiación primaria … Read more