Caligaris, G. (2021). Una reconstrucción del debate marxista sobre la fuente del plusvalor extra que apropian los capitales innovadores [A reconstruction of the Marxist debate on the source of extra surplus value appropriated by innovative capitals]. Ensayos de Economía, 31(59), 165-185.

ABSTRACT: In this article the Marxist debate on the nature and source of the extra surplus value appropriated by capitals that introduce a technological innovation is reconstructed and presented. Until now, this controversy has always been treated as subsidiary to other debates. However, its reoccurrence and the evolution of the arguments – especially in the … Read more

Iñigo, L. (2021). Las transformaciones de la escolaridad como formas concretas del movimiento de la materialidad de la producción de la vida social. Automatización de los procesos de trabajo y generalización de la lectura [The transformation of schooling as concrete form of the movement of the materiality of social life production]. Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad, 18(18), 1-31.

ABSTRACT: The article puts forward a set of arguments as grounds to approach two global tendencies that have been described by the ‘world society’ theory: the expansion of secondary education starting the second half of the 20th century, and the standardization of its curriculum with a preeminence of reading comprehension and, more generally, the ability … Read more

Kornblihtt, J., & Casique Herrera, M. (2021). La crisis venezolana como expresión de la sobreproducción mundial de petróleo pesado [Venezuelan crisis as an expression of worldwide overproduction of heavy oil]. Cuadernos de Economía Crítica, 7(14), 129-153.

ABSTRACT: The analysis of the causes behind Venezuela’s current crisis ranges between blaming imperialism and its local allies for organizing an “economicwarfare” against the alleged popular politics and national independence of Maduro’s government and explaining its origins in government corruptionand wastefulness. All of these arguments obviate the global essence of the national forms of capitalism … Read more

Rivas Castro, G., & Casique Herrera, M. C. (2021). Marini y la economía política marxista de la dependencia. Una aproximación crítica a partir de su análisis del proceso chileno [Marini and the Marxist political economy of dependency. A critical approach from his analysis of the Chilean process]. Revista Izquierdas, 50, 1-26.

ABSTRACT: In lights of the resurgence in South America of the Marxist version of dependency theory, especially of the theoretical developments by Ruy Mauro Marini and considering the criticisms that followed its reappearance, this present paper hopes to make a contribution in this last sense, to emphasize the limitations of Marxist Dependency Theory when presenting … Read more

Steimberg, R. (2021). El debate sobre la derivación: Estado y formas jurídicas [State derivation debate: the State and legal forms]. Las Torres de Lucca: revista internacional de filosofía política, 10(19), 117-128.

ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the link between State, capital and legal forms. In the first place, it recovers one of the aspects of the Marxist theory of the State, which is addressed in the derivation debate. Secondly, and based on this theory, we move on into Pashukanis’ theory of the link between commodity and legal … Read more

Caligaris, G. (2020). El reconocimiento de la enajenación en el capital como acción política [The recognition of alienation in capital as political action]. En L. Villegas, R. Escorcia Romo, & M. F. Ortega (Eds.), Invitación al pensamiento crítico: Dialogando sobre Marx en el siglo XXI (pp. 251-259). Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana / Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa.

ABSTRACT: Interview conducted by Economics students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico. KEYWORDS: Economic Studies Curriculum, Marx’s Capital, Political action DOWNLOAD

Dachevsky, F., & Kornblihtt, J. (2020). La apropiación de renta de la tierra petrolera por el capital automotriz en Venezuela durante el chavismo y su crisis [The appropriation of oil ground-rent by automotive capitals in Venezuela along Chavism, and its crisis]. In G. A. Pinto, S. Guevara, & A. Arteaga García (Eds.), La industria automotriz en América Latina: Estudios de las relaciones entre trabajo, tecnología y desarrollo socioeconómico (pp. 272-298). Editora UTFPR / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

ABSTRACT In this chapter, the automotive industry located in a country clearly specialized in oil production is studied. The authors analyze the features and behavior of the automotive sector in Venezuela, in light of the opportunities to participate in the appropriation of oil rent that terminal companies have had so far. The extremely low productivity … Read more

Fitzsimons, A. (2020). Fases del desarrollo de la industria automotriz argentina: Determinantes globales y especificidad nacional (1914-2017) [Phases in the development of Argentinean automotive industry: global determinants and national specificity (1914-2017)]. En G. A. Pinto, S. Guevara, & A. Arteaga García (Eds.), La industria automotriz en América Latina: Estudios de las relaciones entre trabajo, tecnología y desarrollo socioeconómico (pp. 57-80). Editora UTFPR / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

ABSTRACT The chapter depicts the evolution of Argentinean automotive industry in order to: identify the various phases of its development, present its functioning mode in each of them and expose the determinants of the transitions from each phase to the one that followed. The resulting periodization distinguishes three phases. The first one goes from 1914 … Read more

Guevara, S. (2020). Transformaciones en las relaciones laborales y conflicto sindical: Formas concretas de la acumulación de capital en la industria automotriz argentina 1991-2015 [Transformations in labour relations and union struggle: concrete forms of capital accumulation in Argentinean automotive industry, 1991-2015]. In G. A. Pinto, S. Guevara, & A. Arteaga García (Eds.), La industria automotriz en América Latina: Estudios de las relaciones entre trabajo, tecnología y desarrollo socioeconómico (pp. 418-445). Editora UTFPR / Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

ABSTRACT Ever since the second half of the 20th century, the Argentinean automotive industry has been among those industrial sectors which most thoroughly express the specific form under which capital accumulation develops locally. In spite of a relative modernization during the 1990s, locally operating automotive capitals still feed their valorization process by the appropriation of … Read more

Hirsch, M. (2020) Determinación y tendencia del valor de la fuerza de trabajo en la crítica de la economía política. Red Sociales [The determination and trend of labour power in the critique of political economy]. Revista del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 07 (06), 32-49.

ABSTRACT This article critically examines Marxist discussions on how the value of labor power and its trend are determined. Unlike the most resonant approaches, which explain this determination by class struggle, it is argued that value of labor power is given by the corresponding value of the commodities that each worker needs to consume so … Read more